
Generate, combine, display and apply Δ47 calibrations

This library provides support for:

  • computing Δ47 calibrations by applying OGLS regression to sets of (T, Δ47) observations
  • combining Δ47 datasets to produce a combined calibration
  • various methods useful for creating Δ47 calibration plots
  • Using Δ47 calibrations to convert between T and Δ47, keeping track of covariance between inputs and/or uncertainties/covariance originating from calibration uncertainties. This may be done within Python code or by using a simple command-line interface (e.g., D47calib input.csv > output.csv).

1. Installation

1.1 Library

This should do the trick:

pip install D47calib


  1. download or clone the source from https://github.com/mdaeron/D47calib
  2. chose one of one of the following options:
    • copy/move the /src/D47calib directory to somewhere in your Python path
    • copy/move the /src/D47calib directory to your current working directory
    • copy/move the /src/D47calib directory to any other location (e.g., /foo/bar) and include the following code snippet in your scripts:
import sys

I you don't install from pip, you will probably need to install the requirements listed in pyproject.toml.

1.2 Only install command-line interface using pipx

If you only want to install the CLI, one easy option is to do so using pipx:

pipx install D47calib

Then reopen a shell window and try D47calib --help.

2. Calibrations included

D47calib provides the following pre-built calibrations. All code and raw data used to compute these calibrations can be found in the build_calibs directory.


Cave pearls analyzed by Breitenbach et al. (2018).

Raw data were obtained from the original study’s supplementary information. The original publication processed data according to two sessions, each 4-5 months long, separated by 2 months. After reprocessing the original raw data using D47crunch, visual inspection of the standardization residuals defined revealed the presence of substantial drifts in both sessions. We thus assigned modified session boundaries defining four continuous measurement periods separated by 21 to 52 days, with new session lengths ranging from 24 to 80 days. The original data was not modified in any other way. Formation temperatures are from table 1 of the original study. We assigned arbitrary 95 % uncertainties of ±1 °C, which seem reasonable for cave environments.


Planktic foraminifera analyzed by Peral et al. (2018), reprocessed by Daëron & Gray (2023).

Peral et al. [2018] reported Δ47 values of foraminifera from core-tops, both planktic and benthic, whose calcification temperature estimates were recently reassessed by Daëron & Gray (2023). Here we only consider Peral et al.’s planktic data, excluding two benthic samples (cf Daëron & Gray for reasons why we only consider planktic samples for now). In our reprocessing, as in the original study, “samples” are defined by default as a unique combination of core site, species, and size fraction. Δ47 values are then standardized in the usual way, before using D47crunch.combine_samples() to combine all size fractions with the same core and species, except for G. inflata samples (cf Daëron & Gray and accompanying GitHub repository). By properly accounting for analytical error covariance between the Δ47 values to combine, this two-step approach avoids underestimating the final standardization errors. This


Synthetic calcites analyzed by Jautzy et al. (2020).

Jautzy et al. reported data from a continuous period spanning 10 months, and used a moving-window approach to standardize their measurements. We assigned sessions defined, whenever possible, as periods of one or more complete weeks enclosing one of more unknown sample analyses. The resulting Δ47 residuals, on the order of 40 ppm (1SD), do not display evidence of instrumental drift. Formation temperatures are from table S2 of the original study. We assigned arbitrary 95 % uncertainties of ±1 °C, which seem reasonable for laboratory experiments.


Various natural and synthetic carbonates analyzed at MIT by Anderson et al. (2021).

Raw IRMS data and temperature constraints were obtained from the original study’s supple- mentary information (tables S01 and S02). When reprocesseded the IRMS data we made no changes to the session defintions, but we excluded sessions 5 and 25 because they did not include any unknown sample analyses.


Slow-growing mammillary calcite from Devils Hole and Laghetto Basso analyzed at LSCE by Anderson et al. (2021).

Raw IRMS data is from the original study’s supplementary information (SI-S02). Temperature contraints are from table 1 in Daëron et al. (2019).


Inorganic calcites analyzed by Fiebig et al. (2021).

Temperature contraints are duplicated from the earlier publications where the corresponding samples were first described [Daëron et al., 2019; Jautzy et al., 2020; Anderson et al., 2021]. Raw IRMS data and were obtained from the original study’s supplementary information, and processed as described by Fiebig et al. [2021], jointly using (a) heated and 25 °C-equilibrated CO2 to constrain the scrambling effect and compositional nonlinearity associated with each session, and (b) ETH-1 and ETH-2 reference materials to anchor unknown samples to the I-CDES scale.


Marine calcitic bivalves analyzed by Huyghe et al. (2022).

Huyghe et al. reported Δ47 values of modern calcitic bivalves collected from localities with good environmental constraints. As was done in the original publication, different bivalve individuals were initially treated as distinct analytical samples. In some sites with strong seasonality, individuals were sub-sampled into winter-calcified a summer-calcified fractions. Δ47 values were then standardized in the usual way, before using D47crunch.combine_samples() method to combine all samples from the same locality. Calcification temperature estimates are from the original study.


Combined data set of slow-growing mammillary calcite from Devils Hole and Laghetto Basso, analyzed both at LSCE by Anderson et al. (2021) and at GU by Fiebig et al. (2021).


Combined data set including all of the above. For a detailed discussion of goodness-of-fit and regression uncertainties, see Daëron & Vermeesch (2023). Also aliased as ogls_2023 for backward-compatibility.

3. Command-line interface

D47calib also provides a command-line interface (CLI) for converting between Δ47 and temperature values, computing uncertainties for each computed value (and how these uncertainties are correlated with each other) from different sources (from calibration errors alone, from measurement errors alone, and from both). The computed uncertainties are provided as standard errors, correlation matrix and/or covariance matrix. Input and output files may be comma-separated, tab-separated, or printed out as visually aligned data columns.

3.1 Simple examples

Start with the simplest input file possible (here named input.csv):


Then process it:

D47calib input.csv

This prints out:

  D47      T  T_SE_from_calib  T_correl_from_calib  T_SE_from_input  T_correl_from_input  T_SE_from_both  T_correl_from_both
0.567  34.20             0.38                1.000             0.00                1.000            0.38               1.000
  • T is the temperature corresponding to a D47 value of 0.567 ‰ according to the default calibration (OGLS23).
  • T_SE_from_calib is the standard error on T from the calibration uncertainty
  • T_correl_from_calib is the correlation matrix for the T_SE_from_calib values. Because here there is only one value, this is a 1-by-1 matrix with a single value of one, which is not very exciting.
  • T_SE_from_input is the standard error on T from the measurement uncertainties on D47. Because these are not specified here, T_SE_from_input is equal to zero.
  • T_correl_from_input is, predictably, the correlation matrix for the T_SE_from_input values. Because here there is only one value, this is a 1-by-1 matrix with a single value of one, you know the drill.
  • T_SE_from_both is the standard error on T obtained by combining the two previously considered sources of uncertainties.
  • T_correl_from_both is what you expect it to be if you've been reading so far. Can you guess why it is a 1-by-1 matrix with a single value of one?

3.1.1 Adding D47 measurement uncertainties

This can be done by adding a column to input.csv:


Because this is not very human-friendly, we'll replace the comma separators by whitespace. We'll also add a column listing sample names:

Sample   D47    D47_SE
FOO-1  0.567   0.008

Then process it. We're adding an option (-i ' ', or --delimiter-in ' ') specifying that we're no longer using commas but whitespaces as delimiters:

D47calib -i ' ' input.csv

This yields:

Sample   D47  D47_SE      T  T_SE_from_calib  T_correl_from_calib  T_SE_from_input  T_correl_from_input  T_SE_from_both  T_correl_from_both
FOO-1  0.567   0.008  34.20             0.38                1.000             2.91                1.000            2.94               1.000

You can see that T_SE_from_input is now much larger than T_SE_from_calib, and that the combined T_SE_from_both is equal to the quadratic sum of T_SE_from_calib and T_SE_from_input.

3.1.2 Converting more than one measurement

Let's add lines to our input file:

Sample   D47  D47_SE
FOO-1  0.567   0.008
BAR-2  0.575   0.009
BAZ-3  0.582   0.007

Which yields:

Sample   D47  D47_SE      T  T_SE_from_calib  T_correl_from_calib                T_SE_from_input  T_correl_from_input                T_SE_from_both  T_correl_from_both              
FOO-1  0.567   0.008  34.20             0.38                1.000  0.996  0.987             2.91                1.000  0.000  0.000            2.94               1.000  0.015  0.019
BAR-2  0.575   0.009  31.33             0.37                0.996  1.000  0.997             3.18                0.000  1.000  0.000            3.21               0.015  1.000  0.017
BAZ-3  0.582   0.007  28.89             0.36                0.987  0.997  1.000             2.42                0.000  0.000  1.000            2.44               0.019  0.017  1.000

A notable change are the 3-by-3 correlation matrices, which tell us how the T errors or these three measurements covary. T_correl_from_calib shows that the T_SE_from_calib errors are strongly correlated, because the three D47 values are close to each other. T_correl_from_input indicates statistically independent T_SE_from_input errors. This may be true or not, but it is the expected result because our input file does not include any information on how the D47_SE errors may covary (see below how this additional info may be specified). Thus in this case D47calib assumes that the D47 values are statistically independent (gentle reminder: this is often not the case, see below).

Note that because T_SE_from_input errors are much larger than T_SE_from_calib errors, the combined T_SE_from_both errors are only weakly correlated, as seen in T_correl_from_both.

3.1.3 Accounting for correlations in D47 errors

Because Δ47 measurements performed in the same analytical session(s) are not statistically independent, we may add to input.csv a correlation matrix describing how D47_SE errors covary.

One simple way to compute this correlation matrix is to use the save_D47_correl() method from the D47crunch library (PyPI, GitHub, Zenodo) described by Daëron (2021).

Sample   D47  D47_SE   D47_correl
FOO-1  0.567   0.008   1.00  0.25  0.25
BAR-2  0.575   0.009   0.25  1.00  0.25
BAZ-3  0.582   0.007   0.25  0.25  1.00

This yields:

Sample   D47  D47_SE  D47_correl                  T  T_SE_from_calib  T_correl_from_calib                T_SE_from_input  T_correl_from_input                T_SE_from_both  T_correl_from_both              
FOO-1  0.567   0.008        1.00  0.25  0.25  34.20             0.38                1.000  0.996  0.987             2.91                1.000  0.250  0.250            2.94               1.000  0.261  0.264
BAR-2  0.575   0.009        0.25  1.00  0.25  31.33             0.37                0.996  1.000  0.997             3.18                0.250  1.000  0.250            3.21               0.261  1.000  0.263
BAZ-3  0.582   0.007        0.25  0.25  1.00  28.89             0.36                0.987  0.997  1.000             2.42                0.250  0.250  1.000            2.44               0.264  0.263  1.000

What changed ? We now have propagated D47_correl into T_correl_from_input, and this is accounted for in the combined correlation matrix T_correl_from_both. Within the framework of our initial assumptions (multivariate Gaussian errors, first-order linear propagation of uncertainties...), this constitutes the “best” (or rather, the most “information-complete”) description of uncertainties constraining our final T estimates.

With increasing number of measurements, these correlation matrices become quite large, so that it becomes useless to print them out visually. To facilitate using the output of D47calib as an input to another piece of software, one may use the -j or --delimiter-out option to use machine-readable delimiters such as commas or tabs, and the '-o' or --output-file option to save the output as a file instead of printing it out:

D47calib -i ' ' -j ',' -o output.csv input.csv

This will create the following output.csv file:


Hint for Mac users: Quick Look (or “spacebar preview”, i.e. what happens when you select a file in the Finder and press the spacebar once) provides you with a nice view of a csv file when you just want to check the results visually, as long as you use a comma delimiter.

3.1.4 Converting from T to D47

Everything described above works in the other direction as well, without changing anything to the command-line instruction:

T   T_SE
0    0.5
10   1.0
20   2.0


 T  T_SE     D47  D47_SE_from_calib  D47_correl_from_calib                D47_SE_from_input  D47_correl_from_input                D47_SE_from_both  D47_correl_from_both              
 0   0.5  0.6798             0.0016                  1.000  0.969  0.848             0.0020                  1.000  0.000  0.000            0.0025                 1.000  0.210  0.091
10   1.0  0.6424             0.0013                  0.969  1.000  0.952             0.0035                  0.000  1.000  0.000            0.0038                 0.210  1.000  0.056
20   2.0  0.6090             0.0011                  0.848  0.952  1.000             0.0063                  0.000  0.000  1.000            0.0064                 0.091  0.056  1.000

3.2 Integration with D47crunch

Starting with the following input file rawdata.csv:

UID Sample  Session d45 d46 d47 d48 d49
1   ETH-1   Session_01  5.994522    10.810755   16.181039   21.445703   27.780042
2   ETH-2   Session_01  -5.991066   -5.968789   -12.685206  -12.219412  -18.023381
3   ETH-3   Session_01  5.734551    11.043266   16.556578   22.005474   28.306614
4   ETH-2   Session_01  -5.981599   -6.011356   -12.728742  -12.335559  -18.023381
5   BAR-2   Session_01  -9.941731   10.985508   0.208381    21.832546   10.707292
6   ETH-3   Session_01  5.726647    11.144602   16.634507   22.275401   28.306614
7   ETH-1   Session_01  6.050787    10.800497   16.232192   21.429453   27.780042
8   FOO-1   Session_01  -0.848380   2.872996    1.535960    5.431873    4.665655
9   ETH-2   Session_01  -5.973121   -5.894178   -12.599303  -12.037594  -18.023381
10  ETH-3   Session_01  5.755765    11.179326   16.689870   22.294132   28.306614
11  BAZ-3   Session_01  -5.394955   7.938127    1.887702    15.671857   9.739724
12  ETH-1   Session_01  6.009875    10.711152   16.087994   21.275325   27.780042
13  ETH-2   Session_02  -5.993596   -6.086738   -12.816033  -12.452397  -18.023381
14  ETH-1   Session_02  6.019913    10.773652   16.165645   21.309536   27.780042
15  FOO-1   Session_02  -0.835316   2.868058    1.539147    5.483628    4.665655
16  ETH-3   Session_02  5.720443    11.187928   16.689130   22.308575   28.306614
17  ETH-1   Session_02  6.029949    10.682183   16.080186   21.182471   27.780042
18  BAZ-3   Session_02  -5.337619   7.818571    1.818572    15.400966   9.739724
19  BAR-2   Session_02  -9.951732   10.964153   0.171443    21.779172   10.707292
20  ETH-2   Session_02  -5.983050   -5.953794   -12.679809  -12.224144  -18.023381
21  ETH-3   Session_02  5.756394    11.109906   16.635806   22.189179   28.306614
22  ETH-3   Session_02  5.717666    11.175023   16.654427   22.251497   28.306614
23  ETH-2   Session_02  -5.952660   -5.887239   -12.582248  -12.081588  -18.023381
24  ETH-1   Session_02  5.995178    10.702934   16.073811   21.169324   27.780042

The following script will read thart raw data, fully process it, convert the standardized output to temperatures, and save the final results to a file named output.csv:

D47crunch rawdata.csv
D47calib -o output.csv -j '>' output/D47_correl.csv

With the contents of output.csv being:

Sample     D47  D47_SE  D47_correl                      T  T_SE_from_calib  T_correl_from_calib                 T_SE_from_input  T_correl_from_input                T_SE_from_both  T_correl_from_both              
 BAR-2  0.6777  0.0066      1.0000  0.3586  0.2798   0.51             0.41                1.000  0.731  -0.036             1.68                1.000  0.359  0.280            1.73               1.000  0.373  0.262
 BAZ-3  0.5894  0.0060      0.3586  1.0000  0.2473  26.34             0.35                0.731  1.000   0.654             2.02                0.359  1.000  0.247            2.05               0.373  1.000  0.263
 FOO-1  0.4873  0.0056      0.2798  0.2473  1.0000  68.21             0.69               -0.036  0.654   1.000             2.82                0.280  0.247  1.000            2.90               0.262  0.263  1.000

If a simpler output is required, just add the --ignore-correl or -g option to the second line above, which should yield:

Sample     D47  D47_SE      T  T_SE_from_calib  T_SE_from_input  T_SE_from_both
 BAR-2  0.6777  0.0066   0.51             0.41             1.68            1.73
 BAZ-3  0.5894  0.0060  26.34             0.35             2.02            2.05
 FOO-1  0.4873  0.0056  68.21             0.69             2.82            2.90

3.3 Further customizing the CLI

A complete list of options is provided by D47calib --help.

3.3.1 Using covariance instead of correlation matrix as input

Just provide D47_covar (or T_covar when converting in the other direction) in the input file instead of D47_SE and D47_correl.

3.3.2 Reporting covariance instead of correlation matrices in the output

Use the --return-covar option.

3.3.3 Reporting neither covariances nor correlations in the output

If you don't care about all this covariance nonsense, or just wish for an output that does't hurt your eyes, you can use the --ignore-correl option. Standard errors will still be reported.

3.3.4 Excluding or only including certain lines (samples) from the input

To filter the samples (lines) to process using --exclude-samples and --include-samples, first add a Sample column to the input data, assign a sample name to each line.

Then to exclude some samples, provide the --exclude-samples option with the name of a file where each line is one sample to exclude.

To exclude all samples except those listed in a file, provide the --include-samples option with the name of that file, where each line is one sample to include.

3.3.5 Changing the numerical precision of the output

This is controlled by the following options:

  • --T-precision or -p (default: 2): All T and T_SE_* values
  • --D47-precision or -q (default: 4): All D47 and D47_SE_* values
  • --correl-precision or -r (default: 3): All *_correl_* values
  • --covar-precision or -s (default: 3): All *_covar_* values

3.3.6 Using a different Δ47 calibration

You may use a different calibration than the default OGLS23 using the --calib or -c option. Any predefeined calibration from the D47calib library is a valid option.

You may also specify an arbitrary polynomial function of inverse T, by creating a file (e.g., calib.csv) with the following format:

degree    coef        covar
0       0.1741   2.4395e-05  -0.0262821       5.634934
1      -17.889   -0.0262821    32.17712       -7223.86
2        42614     5.634934    -7223.86    1654633.996

Then using -c calib.csv will use this new calibration.

If you don't know/care about the covariance of the calibration coefficients, just leave out the covar terms:

degree    coef
0       0.1741
1      -17.889
2        42614

In this case, all *_SE_from_calib outputs will be equal to zero, but the *_from_input uncertainties will still be valid (and identical to *_from_both uncertainties, since we are ignoring calibration uncertainties).

   2Generate, combine, display and apply Δ47 calibrations
   4This library provides support for:
   6- computing Δ47 calibrations by applying OGLS regression to sets of (T, Δ47) observations
   7- combining Δ47 datasets to produce a combined calibration
   8- various methods useful for creating Δ47 calibration plots
   9- Using Δ47 calibrations to convert between T and Δ47, keeping track of covariance between inputs
  10and/or uncertainties/covariance originating from calibration uncertainties. This may be done within
  11Python code or by using a simple command-line interface (e.g., `D47calib input.csv > output.csv`).
  13.. include:: ../../docpages/install.md
  14.. include:: ../../docpages/calibs.md
  15.. include:: ../../docpages/cli.md
  17* * *
  20__author__    = 'Mathieu Daëron'
  21__contact__   = 'daeron@lsce.ipsl.fr'
  22__copyright__ = 'Copyright (c) 2023 Mathieu Daëron'
  23__license__   = 'MIT License - https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT'
  24# __docformat__ = "restructuredtext"
  25__date__      = '2023-11-15'
  26__version__   = '1.3.1'
  29import typer, sys
  30from typing_extensions import Annotated
  31import ogls as _ogls
  32import numpy as _np
  33from scipy.linalg import block_diag as _block_diag
  34from scipy.interpolate import interp1d as _interp1d
  35from matplotlib import pyplot as _ppl
  37typer.rich_utils.STYLE_HELPTEXT = ''
  39class D47calib(_ogls.InverseTPolynomial):
  40	"""
  41	Δ47 calibration class based on OGLS regression
  42	of Δ47 as a polynomial function of inverse T.
  43	"""
  45	def __init__(self,
  46		samples, T, D47,
  47		sT = None,
  48		sD47 = None,
  49		degrees = [0,2],
  50		xpower = 2,
  51		name = '',
  52		label = '',
  53		description = '',
  54		**kwargs,
  55		):
  56		"""
  57		### Parameters
  59		+ **samples**: a list of N sample names.
  60		+ **T**: a 1-D array (or array-like) of temperatures values (in degrees C), of size N.
  61		+ **D47**: a 1-D array (or array-like) of Δ47 values (in permil), of size N.
  62		+ **sT**: uncertainties on `T`. If specified as:
  63		  + a scalar: `sT` is treated as the standard error applicable to all `T` values;
  64		  + a 1-D array-like of size N: `sT` is treated as the standard errors of `T`;
  65		  + a 2-D array-like of size (N, N): `sT` is treated as the (co)variance matrix of `T`.
  66		+ **sD47**: uncertainties on `D47`. If specified as:
  67		  + a scalar: `sD47` is treated as the standard error applicable to all `D47` values;
  68		  + a 1-D array-like of size N: `sD47` is treated as the standard errors of `D47`;
  69		  + a 2-D array-like of size (N, N): `sD47` is treated as the (co)variance matrix of `D47`.
  70		+ **degrees**: degrees of the polynomial regression, e.g., `[0, 2]` or `[0, 1, 2, 3, 4]`.
  71		+ **name**: a human-readable, short name assigned to the calibration.
  72		+ **label**: a short description of the calibration, e.g., to be used in legends.
  73		+ **description**: a longer description, including relevant references/DOIs.
  74		This is not necessary when `bfp` and `CM_bfp` are specified at instantiation time.
  75		+ **kwargs**: keyword arguments passed to the underlying `ogls.InverseTPolynomial()` call.
  77		### Notable attributes
  79		+ **N**:
  80		The total number of observations (samples) in the calibration data.
  81		+ **samples**:
  82		The list sample names.
  83		+ **T**:
  84		1-D `ndarray` of temperatures in degrees C.
  85		+ **D47**:
  86		1-D `ndarray` of Δ47 values in permil.
  87		+ **sT**:
  88		2-D `ndarray` equal to the full (co)variance matrix for `T`.
  89		+ **D47**:
  90		2-D `ndarray` equal to the full (co)variance matrix for `D47`.
  91		+ **xpower**:
  92		By default, all `D47calib` graphical methods plot Δ47 as a function of 1/T<sup>2</sup>.
  93		It is possible to change this behavior to use a different power of 1/T.
  94		This is done by redefining the `xpower` attribute to a different, non-zero `int` value
  95		(e.g. `foo.xpower = 1` to plot as a function of 1/T instead of 1/T<sup>2</sup>).
  96		+ **bfp**:
  97		The best-fit parameters of the regression.
  98		This is a `dict` with keys equal to the polynomial coefficients (see `bff` definition below)
  99		+ **bff()**:
 100		The best-fit polynomial function of inverse T, defined as:
 101		`bff(x) = sum(bfp[f'a{k}'] * x**k for k in degrees)`
 102		Note that `bff` takes `x = 1/(T+273.15)` (instead of `T`) as input.
 105		### Examples
 107		A very simple example:
 109		````py
 110		.. include:: ../../code_examples/D47calib_init/example.py
 111		````
 113		Should yield:
 115		````
 116		.. include:: ../../code_examples/D47calib_init/output.txt
 117		````
 119		"""
 121		self.samples = samples[:]
 122		self.name = name
 123		self.label = label
 124		self.description = description
 125		self.D47 = _np.asarray(D47, dtype = 'float')
 126		self.N = self.D47.size
 128		if sD47 is None:
 129			self.sD47 = _np.zeros((self.N, self.N))
 130		else:
 131			self.sD47 = _np.asarray(sD47)
 132			if len(self.sD47.shape) == 1:
 133				self.sD47 = _np.diag(self.sD47**2)
 134			elif len(self.sD47.shape) == 0:
 135				self.sD47 = _np.eye(self.D47.size) * self.sD47**2
 137		_ogls.InverseTPolynomial.__init__(self, T=T, Y=D47, sT=sT, sY=sD47, degrees = degrees, xpower = xpower, **kwargs)
 139		if self.bfp is None:
 140			self.regress()
 142		self._bff_deriv = lambda x: _np.array([k * self.bfp[f'a{k}'] * x**(k-1) for k in degrees if k > 0]).sum(axis = 0)
 144		xi = _np.linspace(0,200**-1,1001)
 145		self._inv_bff = _interp1d(self.bff(xi), xi)
 147		self._D47_from_T = lambda T: self.bff((T+273.15)**-1)
 148		self._T_from_D47 = lambda D47: self._inv_bff(D47)**-1 - 273.15
 149		self._D47_from_T_deriv = lambda T: -(T+273.15)**-2 * self._bff_deriv((T+273.15)**-1)
 150		self._T_from_D47_deriv = lambda D47: self._D47_from_T_deriv(self._T_from_D47(D47))**-1
 152	def __repr__(self):
 153		return f'<D47calib: {self.name}>'
 155	def invT_xaxis(self,
 156		xlabel = None,
 157		Ti = [0,20,50,100,250,1000],
 158		):
 159		"""
 160		Create and return an `Axes` object with X values equal to 1/T<sup>2</sup>,
 161		but labeled in degrees Celsius.
 163		### Parameters
 165		+ **xlabel**:
 166		Custom label for X axis (`r'$1\,/\,T^2$'` by default)
 167		+ **Ti**:
 168		Specify tick locations for X axis, in degrees C.
 170		### Returns
 172		+ an `matplotlib.axes.Axes` instance
 174		### Examples
 176		````py
 177		.. include:: ../../code_examples/D47calib_invT_xaxis/example_1.py
 178		````
 180		This should result in something like this:
 182		<img align="center" src="example_invT_xaxis_1.png">
 184		It is also possible to define the X axis using a different power of 1/T
 185		by first redefining the `xpower` attribute:
 187		````py
 188		.. include:: ../../code_examples/D47calib_invT_xaxis/example_2.py
 189		````
 191		This should result in something like this:
 193		<img align="center" src="example_invT_xaxis_2.png">
 194		"""
 195		if xlabel is None:
 196			xlabel = f'$1\\,/\\,T^{self.xpower}$' if self.xpower > 1 else '1/T'
 197		_ppl.xlabel(xlabel)
 198		_ppl.xticks([(273.15 + t) ** -self.xpower for t in sorted(Ti)[::-1]])
 199		ax = _ppl.gca()
 200		ax.set_xticklabels([f"${t}\\,$°C" for t in sorted(Ti)[::-1]])
 201		ax.tick_params(which="major")
 203		return ax
 206	def plot_data(self, label = False, **kwargs):
 207		"""
 208		Plot Δ47 value of each sample as a function of 1/T<sup>2</sup>.
 210		### Parameters
 212		+ **label**:
 213		  + If `label` is a string, use this string as `label` for the underlyig
 214		  `matplotlib.pyplot.plot()` call.
 215		  + If `label = True`, use the caller's `label` attribute instead.
 216		  + If `label = False`, no label is specified (default behavior).
 217		+ **kwargs**:
 218		keyword arguments passed to the underlying `matplotlib.pyplot.plot()` call.
 220		### Returns
 222		+ the return value(s) of the underlying `matplotlib.pyplot.plot()` call.
 224		### Example
 226		````py
 227		from matplotlib import pyplot as ppl
 228		from D47calib import huyghe_2022 as calib
 230		fig = ppl.figure(figsize = (5,3))
 231		ppl.subplots_adjust(bottom = .25, left = .15)
 232		calib.invT_xaxis(Ti = [0,10,25])
 233		calib.plot_data(label = True)
 234		ppl.ylabel('$Δ_{47}$ (‰ I-CDES)')
 235		ppl.legend()
 236		ppl.savefig('example_plot_data.png', dpi = 100)
 237		`````
 239		This should result in something like this:
 241		<img align="center" src="example_plot_data.png">
 242		"""
 243# 		if 'mec' not in kwargs:
 244# 			kwargs['mec'] = self.color
 245		if label is not False:
 246			kwargs['label'] = self.label if label is True else label
 247		return _ogls.InverseTPolynomial.plot_data(self, **kwargs)
 250	def plot_error_bars(self, **kwargs):
 251		"""
 252		Plot Δ47 error bars (±1.96 SE) of each sample as a function of 1/T<sup>2</sup>.
 254		### Parameters
 256		+ **kwargs**:
 257		keyword arguments passed to the underlying `matplotlib.pyplot.errrobar()` call.
 259		### Returns
 261		+ the return value(s) of the underlying `matplotlib.pyplot.errorbar()` call.
 263		### Example
 265		````py
 266		from matplotlib import pyplot as ppl
 267		from D47calib import huyghe_2022 as calib
 269		fig = ppl.figure(figsize = (5,3))
 270		ppl.subplots_adjust(bottom = .25, left = .15)
 271		calib.invT_xaxis(Ti = [0,10,25])
 272		calib.plot_error_bars(alpha = .4)
 273		calib.plot_data(label = True)
 274		ppl.ylabel('$Δ_{47}$ (‰ I-CDES)')
 275		ppl.legend()
 276		ppl.savefig('example_plot_error_bars.png', dpi = 100)
 277		`````
 279		This should result in something like this:
 281		<img align="center" src="example_plot_error_bars.png">
 282		"""
 283# 		if 'ecolor' not in kwargs:
 284# 			kwargs['ecolor'] = self.color
 285		return _ogls.InverseTPolynomial.plot_error_bars(self, **kwargs)
 288	def plot_error_ellipses(self, **kwargs):
 289		"""
 290		Plot Δ47 error ellipses (95 % confidence) of each sample as a function of 1/T<sup>2</sup>.
 292		### Parameters
 294		+ **kwargs**:
 295		keyword arguments passed to the underlying `matplotlib.patches.Ellipse()` call.
 297		### Returns
 299		+ the return value(s) of the underlying `matplotlib.patches.Ellipse()` call.
 301		### Example
 303		````py
 304		from matplotlib import pyplot as ppl
 305		from D47calib import huyghe_2022 as calib
 307		fig = ppl.figure(figsize = (5,3))
 308		ppl.subplots_adjust(bottom = .25, left = .15)
 309		calib.invT_xaxis(Ti = [0,10,25])
 310		calib.plot_error_ellipses(alpha = .4)
 311		calib.plot_data(label = True)
 312		ppl.ylabel('$Δ_{47}$ (‰ I-CDES)')
 313		ppl.legend()
 314		ppl.savefig('example_plot_error_ellipses.png', dpi = 100)
 315		`````
 317		This should result in something like this:
 319		<img align="center" src="example_plot_error_ellipses.png">
 320		"""
 321# 		if 'ec' not in kwargs:
 322# 			kwargs['ec'] = self.color
 323		return _ogls.InverseTPolynomial.plot_error_ellipses(self, **kwargs)
 326	def plot_bff(self, label = False, **kwargs):
 327		"""
 328		Plot best-fit regression of Δ47 as a function of 1/T<sup>2</sup>.
 330		### Parameters
 332		+ **label**:
 333		  + If `label` is a string, use this string as `label` for the underlyig
 334		  `matplotlib.pyplot.plot()` call.
 335		  + If `label = True`, use the caller's `label` attribute instead.
 336		  + If `label = False`, no label is specified (default behavior).
 337		+ **kwargs**:
 338		keyword arguments passed to the underlying `matplotlib.pyplot.plot()` call.
 340		### Returns
 342		+ the return value(s) of the underlying `matplotlib.pyplot.plot()` call.
 344		### Example
 346		````py
 347		from matplotlib import pyplot as ppl
 348		from D47calib import huyghe_2022 as calib
 350		fig = ppl.figure(figsize = (5,3))
 351		ppl.subplots_adjust(bottom = .25, left = .15)
 352		calib.invT_xaxis(Ti = [0,10,25])
 353		calib.plot_bff(label = True, dashes = (8,2,2,2))
 354		calib.plot_data()
 355		ppl.ylabel('$Δ_{47}$ (‰ I-CDES)')
 356		ppl.legend()
 357		ppl.savefig('example_plot_bff.png', dpi = 100)
 358		`````
 360		This should result in something like this:
 362		<img align="center" src="example_plot_bff.png">
 363		"""
 364# 		if 'color' not in kwargs:
 365# 			kwargs['color'] = self.color
 366		if label is not False:
 367			kwargs['label'] = self.label if label is True else label
 368		return _ogls.InverseTPolynomial.plot_bff(self, **kwargs)
 371	def plot_bff_ci(self, **kwargs):
 372		"""
 373		Plot 95 % confidence region for best-fit regression of Δ47 as a function of 1/T<sup>2</sup>.
 375		### Parameters
 377		+ **label**:
 378		+ **kwargs**:
 379		keyword arguments passed to the underlying `matplotlib.pyplot.fill_between()` call.
 381		### Returns
 383		+ the return value(s) of the underlying `matplotlib.pyplot.fill_between()` call.
 385		### Example
 387		````py
 388		from matplotlib import pyplot as ppl
 389		from D47calib import huyghe_2022 as calib
 391		fig = ppl.figure(figsize = (5,3))
 392		ppl.subplots_adjust(bottom = .25, left = .15)
 393		calib.invT_xaxis(Ti = [0,10,25])
 394		calib.plot_bff_ci(alpha = .15)
 395		calib.plot_bff(label = True, dashes = (8,2,2,2))
 396		calib.plot_data()
 397		ppl.ylabel('$Δ_{47}$ (‰ I-CDES)')
 398		ppl.legend()
 399		ppl.savefig('example_plot_bff_ci.png', dpi = 100)
 400		`````
 402		This should result in something like this:
 404		<img align="center" src="example_plot_bff_ci.png">
 405		"""
 406# 		if 'color' not in kwargs:
 407# 			kwargs['color'] = self.color
 408		return _ogls.InverseTPolynomial.plot_bff_ci(self, **kwargs)
 410	def T47(self,
 411		D47 = None,
 412		sD47 = None,
 413		T=None,
 414		sT = None,
 415		error_from = 'both',
 416		return_covar = False,
 417		):
 418		'''
 419		When `D47` is input, computes corresponding T value(s).
 420		`D47` input may be specified as a scalar, or as a 1-D array.
 421		`T` output will then have the same type and size as `D47`.
 423		When `T` is input, computes corresponding Δ47 value(s).
 424		`T` input may be specified as a scalar, or as a 1-D array.
 425		`D47` output will then have the same type and size as `T`.
 427		Only one of either `D47` or `T` may be specified as input.
 429		**Arguments:**		
 431		* `D47`: Δ47 value(s) to convert into temperature (`float` or 1-D array)
 432		* `sD47`: Δ47 uncertainties, which may be:
 433		  - `None` (default)
 434		  - `float` or `int` (uniform standard error on `D47`)
 435		  - 1-D array (standard errors on `D47`)
 436		  - 2-D array (covariance matrix for `D47`)
 437		* `T`: T value(s) to convert into Δ47 (`float` or 1-D array), in degrees C
 438		* `sT`: T uncertainties, which may be:
 439		  - `None` (default)
 440		  - `float` or `int` (uniform standard error on `T`)
 441		  - 1-D array (standard errors on `T`)
 442		  - 2-D array (variance-covariance matrix for `T`)
 443		* `error_from`: if set to `'both'` (default), returned errors take into account
 444		  input uncertainties (`sT` or `sD47`) as well as calibration uncertainties;
 445		  if set to `'calib'`, only calibration uncertainties are accounted for;
 446		  if set to `'sT'` or `'sD47'`, calibration uncertainties are ignored.
 447		* `return_covar`: (False by default) whether to return the full covariance matrix
 448		  for returned `T` or `D47` values, otherwise return standard errors for the returned
 449		  `T` or `D47` values instead.
 451		**Returns (with `D47` input):**
 453		* `T`: temperature value(s) computed from `D47`
 454		* `sT`: uncertainties on `T` value(s), whether as standard error(s) or covariance matrix
 456		**Returns (with `T` input):**
 458		* `D47`: Δ47 value(s) computed from `D47`
 459		* `sD47`: uncertainties on `D47` value(s), whether as standard error(s) or covariance matrix
 461		### Example
 463		````py
 464		import numpy as np
 465		from matplotlib import pyplot as ppl
 466		from D47calib import OGLS23 as calib
 468		X = np.linspace(1473**-2, 270**-2)
 469		D47, sD47 = calib.T47(T = X**-0.5 - 273.15)
 471		fig = ppl.figure(figsize = (5,3))
 472		ppl.subplots_adjust(bottom = .25, left = .15)
 473		calib.invT_xaxis()
 474		ppl.plot(X, 1000 * sD47, 'r-')
 475		ppl.ylabel('Calibration SE on $Δ_{47}$ values (ppm)')
 476		ppl.savefig('example_SE47.png', dpi = 100)
 477		`````
 479		This should result in something like this:
 481		<img src="example_SE47.png">
 482		'''
 484		if D47 is None and T is None:
 485			raise ValueError('Either D47 or T must be specified, but both are undefined.')
 487		if D47 is not None and T is not None:
 488			raise ValueError('Either D47 or T must be specified, but not both.')
 490		if T is not None:
 492			D47 = self._D47_from_T(T)
 493			Np = len(self.degrees)
 494			N = D47.size
 496			### Compute covariance matrix of (*bfp, *T):
 497			CM = _np.zeros((Np+N, Np+N))
 499			if error_from in ['calib', 'both']:
 500				CM[:Np, :Np] = self.bfp_CM[:,:]
 502			if (sT is not None) and error_from in ['sT', 'both']:
 503				_sT = _np.asarray(sT)
 504				if _sT.ndim == 0:
 505					for k in range(N):
 506						CM[Np+k, Np+k] = _sT**2
 507				elif _sT.ndim == 1:
 508					for k in range(N):
 509						CM[Np+k, Np+k] = _sT[k]**2
 510				elif _sT.ndim == 2:
 511					CM[-N:, -N:] = _sT[:,:]
 513			### Compute Jacobian of D47(T) relative to (*bfp, *T):
 514			_T = _np.asarray(T)
 515			if _T.ndim == 0:
 516				_T = _np.expand_dims(_T, 0)
 517			J = _np.zeros((N, Np+N))
 519			if (sT is not None) and error_from in ['sT', 'both']:
 520				for k in range(N):
 521					J[k, Np+k] = self._D47_from_T_deriv(_T[k])
 523			if error_from in ['calib', 'both']:
 525				for k in range(Np):
 527					p1 = {_: self.bfp[_] for _ in self.bfp}
 528					p1[f'a{self.degrees[k]}'] += 0.001 * self.bfp_CM[k,k]**.5
 530					p2 = {_: self.bfp[_] for _ in self.bfp}
 531					p2[f'a{self.degrees[k]}'] -= 0.001 * self.bfp_CM[k,k]**.5
 533					J[:, k] = (self.model_fun(p1, (_T+273.15)**-1) - self.model_fun(p2, (_T+273.15)**-1)) / (0.002 * self.bfp_CM[k,k]**.5)
 535			### Error propagation:
 536			CM_D47 = J @ CM @ J.T
 538			if return_covar:
 539				return D47, CM_D47
 540			else:
 541				return D47, float(_np.diag(CM_D47)**.5) if D47.ndim == 0 else _np.diag(CM_D47)**.5
 543		if D47 is not None:
 545			T = self._T_from_D47(D47)
 546			Np = len(self.degrees)
 547			N = T.size
 549			### Compute covariance matrix of (*bfp, *T):
 550			CM = _np.zeros((Np+N, Np+N))
 552			if error_from in ['calib', 'both']:
 553				CM[:Np, :Np] = self.bfp_CM[:,:]
 555			if (sD47 is not None) and error_from in ['sD47', 'both']:
 556				_sD47 = _np.asarray(sD47)
 557				if _sD47.ndim == 0:
 558					for k in range(N):
 559						CM[Np+k, Np+k] = _sD47**2
 560				elif _sD47.ndim == 1:
 561					for k in range(N):
 562						CM[Np+k, Np+k] = _sD47[k]**2
 563				elif _sD47.ndim == 2:
 564					CM[-N:, -N:] = _sD47[:,:]
 566			### Compute Jacobian of T(D47) relative to (*bfp, *D47):
 567			_D47 = _np.asarray(D47)
 568			if _D47.ndim == 0:
 569				_D47 = _np.expand_dims(_D47, 0)
 570			J = _np.zeros((N, Np+N))
 571			if (sD47 is not None) and error_from in ['sD47', 'both']:
 572				for k in range(N):
 573					J[k, Np+k] = self._T_from_D47_deriv(_D47[k])
 574			if error_from in ['calib', 'both']:
 576				xi = _np.linspace(0,200**-1,1001)[1:]
 577				for k in range(Np):
 579					if self.bfp_CM[k,k]:
 580						_epsilon_ = self.bfp_CM[k,k]**.5
 581					else:
 582						_epsilon_ = 1e-6
 584					p1 = {_: self.bfp[_] for _ in self.bfp}
 585					p1[f'a{self.degrees[k]}'] += 0.001 * _epsilon_
 586					T_from_D47_p1 = _interp1d(self.model_fun(p1, xi), xi**-1 - 273.15)
 588					p2 = {_: self.bfp[_] for _ in self.bfp}
 589					p2[f'a{self.degrees[k]}'] -= 0.001 * _epsilon_
 590					T_from_D47_p2 = _interp1d(self.model_fun(p2, xi), xi**-1 - 273.15)
 592					J[:, k] = (T_from_D47_p1(_D47) - T_from_D47_p2(_D47)) / (0.002 * _epsilon_)
 594			### Error propagation:
 595			CM_T = J @ CM @ J.T
 597			if return_covar:
 598				return T, CM_T
 599			else:
 600				return T, float(_np.diag(CM_T)**.5) if T.ndim == 0 else _np.diag(CM_T)**.5
 603	def plot_T47_errors(
 604		self,
 605		calibname = None,
 606		rD47 = 0.010,
 607		Nr = [2,4,8,12,20],
 608		Tmin = 0,
 609		Tmax = 120,
 610		colors = [(1,0,0),(1,.5,0),(.25,.75,0),(0,.5,1),(0.5,0.5,0.5)],
 611		yscale = 'lin',
 612		):
 613		"""
 614		Plot SE of T reconstructed using the calibration as a function of T for various
 615		combinations of analytical precision and number of analytical replicates.
 617		**Arguments**		
 619		+ **calibname**:
 620		Which calibration name to display. By default, use `label` attribute.
 621		+ **rD47**:
 622		Analytical precision of a single analysis.
 623		+ **Nr**:
 624		A list of lines to plot, each corresponding to a given number of replicates.
 625		+ **Tmin**:
 626		Minimum T to plot.
 627		+ **Tmax**:
 628		Maximum T to plot.
 629		+ **colors**:
 630		A list of colors to distinguish the plotted lines.
 631		+ **yscale**:
 632		  + If `'lin'`, the Y axis uses a linear scale.
 633		  + If `'log'`, the Y axis uses a logarithmic scale.
 635		**Example**
 637		````py
 638		from matplotlib import pyplot as ppl
 639		from D47calib import devils_laghetto_2023 as calib
 641		fig = ppl.figure(figsize = (3.5,4))
 642		ppl.subplots_adjust(bottom = .2, left = .15)
 643		calib.plot_T47_errors(
 644			calibname = 'Devils Laghetto calibration',
 645			Nr = [1,2,4,16],
 646			Tmin  =0,
 647			Tmax = 40,
 648			)
 649		ppl.savefig('example_SE_T.png', dpi = 100)
 650		````
 652		This should result in something like this:
 654		<img src="example_SE_T.png">
 655		"""
 657		if calibname is None:
 658			calibname = self.label
 660		Nr = _np.array(Nr)
 661		if len(colors) < Nr.size:
 662			print('WARNING: Too few colors to plot different numbers of replicates; generating new colors.')
 663			from colorsys import hsv_to_rgb
 664			hsv = [(x*1.0/Nr.size, 1, .9) for x in range(Nr.size)]
 665			colors = [hsv_to_rgb(*x) for x in hsv]
 667		Ti = _np.linspace(Tmin, Tmax)
 668		D47i, _  = self.T47(T = Ti)
 669		_, sT_calib = self.T47(D47 = D47i, error_from = 'calib')
 671		ymax, ymin = 0, 1e6
 672		for N,c in zip(Nr, colors):
 673			_, sT = self.T47(D47 = D47i, sD47 = rD47 / N**.5, error_from = 'sD47')
 674			_ppl.plot(Ti, sT, '-', color = c, label=f'SE for {N} replicate{"s" if N > 1 else ""}')
 675			ymin = min(ymin, min(sT))
 676			ymax = max(ymax, max(sT))
 678		_ppl.plot(Ti, sT_calib, 'k--', label='SE from calibration')
 680		_ppl.legend(fontsize=9)
 681		_ppl.xlabel("T (°C)")
 683		_ppl.ylabel("Standard error on reconstructed T (°C)")
 685		# yticks([0,.5,1,1.5,2])
 686		_ppl.title(f"{calibname},\nassuming external Δ$_{{47}}$ repeatability of {rD47:.3f} ‰", size = 9)
 687		_ppl.grid( alpha = .25)
 688		if yscale == 'lin':
 689			_ppl.axis([Ti[0], Ti[-1], 0, ymax*1.05])
 690			t1, t2 = self.T.min(), self.T.max()
 691			_ppl.plot([t1, t2], [0, 0], 'k-', alpha = .25, lw = 8, solid_capstyle = 'butt', clip_on = False)
 692			_ppl.text((t1+t2)/2, 0, 'range of observations\n', alpha = .4, size = 7, ha = 'center', va = 'bottom', style = 'italic')
 693			_ppl.axis([None, None, None, _ppl.axis()[-1]*1.25])
 694		elif yscale == 'log':
 695			ymin /= 2
 696			_ppl.axis([Ti[0], Ti[-1], ymin, ymax*1.05])
 697			_ppl.yscale('log')
 698			t1, t2 = self.T.min(), self.T.max()
 699			_ppl.plot([t1, t2], [ymin, ymin], 'k-', alpha = .25, lw = 8, solid_capstyle = 'butt', clip_on = False)
 700			_ppl.text((t1+t2)/2, ymin, 'range of observations\n', alpha = .4, size = 7, ha = 'center', va = 'bottom', style = 'italic')
 702	def export_data(self, csvfile, sep = ',', label = False, T_correl = False, D47_correl = False):
 703		"""
 704		Write calibration data to a csv file.
 706		### Parameters
 708		+ **csvfile**:
 709		The filename to write data to.
 710		+ **sep**:
 711		The separator between CSV fields.
 712		+ **label**:
 713		  + If specified as `True`, include a `Dataset` column with the calibration's `label` attribute.
 714		  + If specified as a `str`, include a `Dataset` column with that string.
 715		  + If specified as `False`, do not include a `Dataset` column.
 716		+ **T_correl**:
 717		  + If `True`, include correlations between all `T` values.
 718		+ **D47_correl**:
 719		  + If `True`, include correlations between all `D47` values.
 721		### Example
 723		````py
 724		D47calib.huyghe_2022.export_data(
 725			csvfile = 'example_export_data.csv',
 726			T_correl = True,
 727			D47_correl = True,
 728			)
 729		````
 731		This should result in something like this ([link](example_export_data.csv)):
 733		.. include:: ../../docs/example_export_data.md
 735		"""
 736		n = len(str(self.N))
 738		with open(csvfile, 'w') as f:
 739			f.write(sep.join(['ID', 'Sample', 'T', 'SE_T', 'D47', 'SE_D47']))
 741			if label:
 742				f.write(f'{sep}Dataset')
 744			if T_correl:
 745				inv_diag_sT = _np.diag(_np.diag(self.sT)**-.5)
 746				Tcorrel = inv_diag_sT @ self.sT @ inv_diag_sT
 747				f.write(sep.join(['']+[f'Tcorrel_{k+1:0{n}d}' for k in range(self.N)]))
 749			if D47_correl:
 750				inv_diag_sD47 = _np.diag(_np.diag(self.sD47)**-.5)
 751				D47correl = inv_diag_sD47 @ self.sD47 @ inv_diag_sD47
 752				f.write(sep.join(['']+[f'D47correl_{k+1:0{n}d}' for k in range(self.N)]))
 754			for k, (s, T, sT, D47, sD47) in enumerate(zip(
 755				self.samples,
 756				self.T,
 757				_np.diag(self.sT)**.5,
 758				self.D47,
 759				_np.diag(self.sD47)**.5,
 760				)):
 761				f.write('\n' + sep.join([f'{k+1:0{n}d}', s, f'{T:.2f}', f'{sT:.2f}', f'{D47:.4f}', f'{sD47:.4f}']))
 762				if label:
 763					if label is True:
 764						f.write(f'{sep}{self.label}')
 765					else:
 766						f.write(f'{sep}{label}')
 767				if T_correl:
 768					f.write(sep.join(['']+[
 769						f'{Tcorrel[k,_]:.0f}'
 770						if f'{Tcorrel[k,_]:.6f}'[-6:] == '000000'
 771						else f'{Tcorrel[k,_]:.6f}'
 772						for _ in range(self.N)]))
 773				if D47_correl:
 774					f.write(sep.join(['']+[
 775						f'{D47correl[k,_]:.0f}'
 776						if f'{D47correl[k,_]:.6f}'[-6:] == '000000'
 777						else f'{D47correl[k,_]:.6f}'
 778						for _ in range(self.N)]))
 781	def export(self, name, filename):
 782		"""
 783		Save `D47calib` object as an importable file.
 785		### Parameters
 787		+ **name**:
 788		The name of the variable to export.
 789		+ **filename**:
 790		The filename to write to.
 792		### Example
 794		````py
 795		D47calib.anderson_2021_lsce.export('foo', 'bar.py')
 796		````
 798		This should result in a `bar.py` file with the following contents:
 800		````py
 801		foo = D47calib(
 802			samples = ['LGB-2', 'DVH-2'],
 803			T = [7.9, 33.7],
 804			D47 = [0.6485720997671647, 0.5695972909966959],
 805			sT = [[0.04000000000000001, 0.0], [0.0, 0.04000000000000001]],
 806			sD47 = [[8.72797097773764e-06, 2.951894073404263e-06], [2.9518940734042614e-06, 7.498611746762038e-06]],
 807			description = 'Devils Hole & Laghetto Basso from Anderson et al. (2021), processed in I-CDES',
 808			label = 'Slow-growing calcites from Anderson et al. (2021)',
 809			color = (0, 0.5, 0),
 810			degrees = [0, 2],
 811			bfp = {'a0': 0.1583220210575451, 'a2': 38724.41371782721},
 812			bfp_CM = [[0.00035908667755871876, -30.707016431538836], [-30.70701643153884, 2668091.396598919]],
 813			chisq = 6.421311854486162e-27,
 814			Nf = 0,
 815			)
 816		````
 817		"""
 818		with open(filename, 'w') as f:
 819			f.write(f'''
 820{name} = D47calib(
 821	samples = {self.samples},
 822	T = {list(self.T)},
 823	D47 = {list(self.D47)},
 824	sT = {[list(l) for l in self.sT]},
 825	sD47 = {[list(l) for l in self.sD47]},
 826	degrees = {self.degrees},
 827	description = {repr(self.description)},
 828	name = {repr(self.name)},
 829	label = {repr(self.label)},
 830	bfp = {self.bfp},
 831	bfp_CM = {[list(l) for l in self.bfp_CM]},
 832	chisq = {self.chisq},
 833	cholesky_residuals = {list(self.cholesky_residuals)},
 834	aic = {self.aic},
 835	bic = {self.bic},
 836	ks_pvalue = {self.ks_pvalue},
 837	)
 840def combine_D47calibs(calibs, degrees = [0,2], same_T = [], exclude_samples = []):
 841	'''
 842	Combine data from several `D47calib` instances.
 844	### Parameters
 846	+ **calibs**:
 847	A list of `D47calib` instances
 848	+ **degrees**:
 849	The polynomial degrees of the combined regression.
 850	+ **same_T**:
 851	Use this `list` to specify when samples from different calibrations are known/postulated
 852	to have formed at the same temperature (e.g. `DVH-2` and `DHC2-8` from the `fiebig_2021`
 853	and `anderson_2021_lsce` data sets). Each element of `same_T` is a `list` with the names
 854	of two or more samples formed at the same temperature.
 855	+ **exclude_samples**: Use this `list` to specify the names of samples to exclude from
 856	the combined calibration.
 858	For example, the `OGLS23` calibration is computed with:
 860	`same_T = [['DVH-2', DHC-2-8'], ['ETH-1-1100-SAM', 'ETH-1-1100']]`
 862	Note that when samples from different calibrations have the same name,
 863	it is not necessary to explicitly list them in `same_T`.
 865	Also note that the regression will fail if samples listed together in `same_T`
 866	actually have different `T` values specified in the original calibrations.
 868	### Example
 870	The `devils_laghetto_2023` calibration is computed using the following code:
 872	````py
 873	K = [fiebig_2021.samples.index(_) for _ in ['LGB-2', 'DVH-2', 'DHC2-8']]
 875	fiebig_temp = D47calib(
 876		samples = [fiebig_2021.samples[_] for _ in K],
 877		T = fiebig_2021.T[K],
 878		D47 = fiebig_2021.D47[K],
 879		sT = fiebig_2021.sT[K,:][:,K],
 880		sD47 = fiebig_2021.sD47[K,:][:,K],
 881		)
 883	devils_laghetto_2023 = combine_D47calibs(
 884		calibs = [anderson_2021_lsce, fiebig_temp],
 885		degrees = [0,2],
 886		same_T = [{'DVH-2', 'DHC2-8'}],
 887		)
 888	````
 889	'''
 891	samples = [s for c in calibs for s in c.samples]
 892	T = [t for c in calibs for t in c.T]
 893	D47 = [x for c in calibs for x in c.D47]
 894	sD47 = _block_diag(*[c.sD47 for c in calibs])
 895	sT = _block_diag(*[c.sT for c in calibs])
 897	for i in range(len(samples)):
 898		for j in range(len(samples)):
 899			if i != j:
 900				if (samples[i] == samples[j] or
 901					any([samples[i] in _ and samples[j] in _ for _ in same_T])):
 903					sT[i,j] = (sT[i,i] * sT[j,j])**.5
 905	k = [_ for _, s in enumerate(samples) if s not in exclude_samples]
 907	calib = D47calib(
 908		samples = [samples[_] for _ in k],
 909		T = [T[_] for _ in k],
 910		D47 = [D47[_] for _ in k],
 911		sT = sT[k,:][:,k],
 912		sD47 = sD47[k,:][:,k],
 913		degrees = degrees,
 914		)
 916	return calib
 918from ._calibs import *
 920def _covar2correl(C):
 921	SE = _np.diag(C)**.5
 922	return SE, _np.diag(SE**-1) @ C @ _np.diag(SE**-1)
 925	app = typer.Typer(
 926		add_completion = False,
 927		context_settings={'help_option_names': ['-h', '--help']},
 928		rich_markup_mode = 'rich',
 929		)
 931	@app.command()
 932	def _cli(
 933		input: Annotated[str, typer.Argument(help = "Specify either the path of an input file or just '-' to read input from stdin")] = '-',
 934		include_samples: Annotated[str, typer.Option('--include-samples', '-u', help = 'Only include samples listed in this file')] = 'all',
 935		exclude_samples: Annotated[str, typer.Option('--exclude-samples', '-x', help = 'Exclude samples listed in this file')] = 'none',
 936		outfile: Annotated[str, typer.Option('--output-file', '-o', help = 'Write output to this file instead of printing to stdout')] = 'none',
 937		calib: Annotated[str, typer.Option('--calib', '-c', help = 'D47 calibration function to use')] = 'OGLS23',
 938		delim_in: Annotated[str, typer.Option('--delimiter-in', '-i', help = "Delimiter used in the input.")] = ',',
 939		delim_out: Annotated[str, typer.Option('--delimiter-out', '-j', help = "Delimiter used in the output. Use '>' or '<' for elastic white space with right- or left-justified cells.")] = "',' when writing to output file, '>' when printing to stdout",
 940		T_precision: Annotated[int, typer.Option('--T-precision', '-p', help = 'Precision for T output')] = 2,
 941		D47_precision: Annotated[int, typer.Option('--D47-precision', '-q', help = 'Precision for D47 output')] = 4,
 942		correl_precision: Annotated[int, typer.Option('--correl-precision', '-r', help = 'Precision for correlation output')] = 3,
 943		covar_precision: Annotated[int, typer.Option('--covar-precision', '-s', help = 'Precision for covariance output')] = 3,
 944		return_covar: Annotated[bool, typer.Option('--return-covar', '-v', help = 'Output covariance matrix instead of correlation matrix')] = False,
 945		ignore_correl: Annotated[bool, typer.Option('--ignore-correl', '-g', help = 'Only consider and report standard errors without correlations')] = False,
 946		version: Annotated[bool, typer.Option('--version', '-V', help = 'Print D47calib version')] = False,
 947		):
 948		"""
 951Reads data from an input file, converts between T and D47 values, and print out the results.
 953The input file is a CSV, or any similar file with data sorted into lines and columns. The line separator must be a <newline>. The column separator, noted <sep> hereafter, is "," by default, or may be any other single character such as ";" or <tab>.
 955The first line of the input file must be one of the following:		
 957- [b]Option 1:[/b] T
 958- [b]Option 2:[/b] T<sep>T_SE
 959- [b]Option 3:[/b] T<sep>T_SE<sep>T_correl
 960- [b]Option 4:[/b] T<sep>T_covar
 961- [b]Option 5:[/b] D47
 962- [b]Option 6:[/b] D47<sep>D47_SE
 963- [b]Option 7:[/b] D47<sep>D47_SE<sep>D47_correl
 964- [b]Option 8:[/b] D47<sep>D47_covar
 966The rest of the input must be any number of lines with float values corresponding to the fields in the first line, separated by <sep>.
 968[bold]Example input file:[/bold]
 970[italic]D47     D47_SE  D47_correl[/italic]
 971[italic]0.6324  0.0101  1.00  0.25  0.25[/italic]
 972[italic]0.6281  0.0087  0.25  1.00  0.25[/italic]
 973[italic]0.6385  0.0095  0.25  0.25  1.00[/italic]
 975The corresponding D47 (options 1-4) or T (options 4-8) values are computed, along with standard errors and error correlations from calibration uncertainties.
 977For options 2-4 and 5-8, which specify standard errors or covariances for the input values, the standard errors and error correlations resulting from these input uncertainties are also computed, as well as the combined standard errors accounting for both calibration and input uncertainties.
 979The example above will thus result in an output with the following fields:
 981[italic]- D47[/italic]
 982[italic]- D47_SE[/italic]
 983[italic]- D47_correl[/italic]
 984[italic]- T[/italic]
 985[italic]- T_SE_from_calib[/italic]
 986[italic]- T_correl_from_calib[/italic]
 987[italic]- T_SE_from_input[/italic]
 988[italic]- T_correl_from_input[/italic]
 989[italic]- T_SE_from_both[/italic]
 990[italic]- T_correl_from_both[/italic]
 992Results may also be saved to a file using [bold]--output-file <filename>[/bold] or [bold]-o <filename>[/bold].
 994To filter the samples (lines) to process using [b]--exclude-samples[/b] and [b]--include-samples[/b], first add a [b]Sample[/b] column to the input data, assign a sample name to each line.
 995Then to exclude some samples, provide the [b]--exclude-samples[/b] option with the name of a file where each line is one sample to exclude.
 996To exclude all samples except those listed in a file, provide the [b]--include-samples[/b] option with the name of that file, where each line is one sample to include.
 999		if version:
1000			print(__version__)
1001			return None
1003		### INCOMPATIBILITY BETWEEN --ignore-correl AND --return-covar
1004		if ignore_correl:
1005			return_covar = False
1008		if delim_in == ' ':
1009			delim_in = None
1012		if delim_out == "',' when writing to output file, '>' when printing to stdout":
1013			if outfile == 'none':
1014				delim_out = '>'
1015			else:
1016				delim_out = ','
1019		if calib in globals() and type(globals()[calib]) == D47calib:
1020			calib = globals()[calib]
1021		else:
1022			with open(calib) as f:
1023				calibdata = _np.array([[c.strip() for c in l.strip().split(delim_in)] for l in f.readlines()[1:]], dtype = float)
1025				degrees = [int(d) for d in calibdata[:,0]]
1026				bfp = {f'a{k}': a for k,a in zip(degrees, calibdata[:,1])}
1027				bfp_CM = calibdata[:,2:]
1028				if bfp_CM.shape[0] != bfp_CM.shape[1]:
1029					bfp_CM = _np.zeros((len(degrees), len(degrees)))
1030				calib = D47calib(
1031					samples = [], T = [], sT = [], D47 = [], sD47 = [],
1032					degrees = degrees, bfp = bfp, bfp_CM = bfp_CM,
1033					)
1036		if input == '-':
1037			data = [[c.strip() for c in l.strip().split(delim_in)] for l in sys.stdin]
1038		else:
1039			with open(input) as f:
1040				data = [[c.strip() for c in l.strip().split(delim_in)] for l in f.readlines()]
1042		if include_samples == 'all':
1043			samples_to_include = []
1044		else:
1045			with open(include_samples) as f:
1046				samples_to_include = [l.strip() for l in f.readlines()]
1048		if exclude_samples == 'none':
1049			samples_to_exclude = []
1050		else:
1051			with open(exclude_samples) as f:
1052				samples_to_exclude = [l.strip() for l in f.readlines()]
1054		if len(samples_to_include) > 0 or len(samples_to_exclude) > 0:
1055			try:
1056				k = data[0].index('Sample')
1057			except ValueError:
1058				raise KeyError("When using options --include-samples or --exclude-samples, the input file must have a column labeled 'Sample'.")
1060			if len(samples_to_include) > 0:
1061				data = [data[0]] + [l for l in data[1:] if l[k] in samples_to_include]
1062			data = [data[0]] + [l for l in data[1:] if l[k] not in samples_to_exclude]
1065		k = 0
1066		while data[0][k] not in ['T', 'D47']:
1067			k += 1
1068			if k == len(data[0]):
1069				raise KeyError("None of the input column headers are 'T' or 'D47'.")			
1070		data_out = [l[:k] for l in data]
1071		data = [l[k:] for l in data]
1074		fields = data[0]
1077		if fields not in [
1078			['T'],
1079			['T', 'T_SE'],
1080			['T', 'T_covar'],
1081			['T', 'T_SE', 'T_correl'],
1082			['D47'],
1083			['D47', 'D47_SE'],
1084			['D47', 'D47_covar'],
1085			['D47', 'D47_SE', 'D47_correl'],
1086			]:
1087			raise KeyError("There is a problem with the combination of field names provided as input.")
1089		### BOOK-KEEPING
1090		infield = fields[0]
1091		X_precision = {'T': T_precision, 'D47': D47_precision}[infield]
1092		outfield = {'T': 'D47', 'D47': 'T'}[infield]
1093		Y_precision = {'T': T_precision, 'D47': D47_precision}[outfield]
1094		N = len(data)-1
1097		X_str = [l[0] for l in data[1:]]
1098		X = _np.array(X_str, dtype = float)
1100		if len(fields) == 1:
1101			X_SE = X*0
1102			X_correl = _np.eye(N)
1103			X_covar = _np.zeros((N, N))
1104			X_SE_str = [f'{c:.{X_precision}f}' for c in X_SE]
1105			X_correl_str = [[f'{c:.{correl_precision}f}' for c in l] for l in X_correl]
1106			X_covar_str = [[f'{c:.{covar_precision}e}' for c in l] for l in X_covar]
1107		if len(fields) == 2:
1108			if fields[1].endswith('_SE'):
1109				X_SE_str = [l[1] for l in data[1:]]
1110				X_SE = _np.array(X_SE_str, dtype = float)
1111				X_covar = _np.diag(X_SE**2)
1112				X_covar_str = [[f'{c:.{covar_precision}e}' for c in l] for l in X_covar]
1113			elif fields[1].endswith('_covar'):
1114				X_covar_str = [l[1:N+1] for l in data[1:]]
1115				X_covar = _np.array(X_covar_str, dtype = float)
1116				X_SE = _np.diag(X_covar)**.5
1117				X_SE_str = [f'{c:.{X_precision}f}' for c in X_SE]
1118			X_correl = _np.diag(X_SE**-1) @ X_covar @ _np.diag(X_SE**-1)
1119			X_correl_str = [[f'{c:.{correl_precision}f}' for c in l] for l in X_correl]
1120		elif len(fields) == 3:
1121			X_SE_str = [l[1] for l in data[1:]]
1122			X_SE = _np.array(X_SE_str, dtype = float)
1123			X_correl_str = [l[2:N+2] for l in data[1:]]
1124			X_correl = _np.array(X_correl_str, dtype = float)
1125			X_covar = _np.diag(X_SE) @ X_correl @ _np.diag(X_SE)
1126			X_covar_str = [[f'{c:.{covar_precision}e}' for c in l] for l in X_covar]
1129		kwargs = {infield: X, f's{infield}': X_covar}
1130		Y, Y_covar_from_calib = calib.T47(**kwargs, error_from = 'calib', return_covar = True)
1131		Y, Y_covar_from_input = calib.T47(**kwargs, error_from = f's{infield}', return_covar = True)
1132		Y, Y_covar_from_both = calib.T47(**kwargs, error_from = 'both', return_covar = True)
1134		Y_SE_from_calib = _np.diag(Y_covar_from_calib)**.5
1135		Y_SE_from_input = _np.diag(Y_covar_from_input)**.5
1136		Y_SE_from_both = _np.diag(Y_covar_from_both)**.5
1138		if (Y_SE_from_calib**2).min():
1139			Y_correl_from_calib = _np.diag(Y_SE_from_calib**-1) @ Y_covar_from_calib @ _np.diag(Y_SE_from_calib**-1)
1140		else:
1141			Y_correl_from_calib = _np.eye(N)
1143		if (Y_SE_from_input**2).min():
1144			Y_correl_from_input = _np.diag(Y_SE_from_input**-1) @ Y_covar_from_input @ _np.diag(Y_SE_from_input**-1)
1145		else:
1146			Y_correl_from_input = _np.eye(N)
1148		if (Y_SE_from_both**2).min():
1149			Y_correl_from_both = _np.diag(Y_SE_from_both**-1) @ Y_covar_from_both @ _np.diag(Y_SE_from_both**-1)
1150		else:
1151			Y_correl_from_both = _np.eye(N)
1154		Y_str = [f'{y:.{Y_precision}f}' for y in Y]
1156		Y_SE_from_calib_str = [f'{sy:.{Y_precision}f}' for sy in Y_SE_from_calib]
1157		Y_SE_from_input_str = [f'{sy:.{Y_precision}f}' for sy in Y_SE_from_input]
1158		Y_SE_from_both_str = [f'{sy:.{Y_precision}f}' for sy in Y_SE_from_both]
1160		Y_covar_from_calib_str = [[f'{c:.{covar_precision}e}' for c in l] for l in Y_covar_from_calib]
1161		Y_covar_from_input_str = [[f'{c:.{covar_precision}e}' for c in l] for l in Y_covar_from_input]
1162		Y_covar_from_both_str = [[f'{c:.{covar_precision}e}' for c in l] for l in Y_covar_from_both]
1164		Y_correl_from_calib_str = [[f'{c:.{correl_precision}f}' for c in l] for l in Y_correl_from_calib]
1165		Y_correl_from_input_str = [[f'{c:.{correl_precision}f}' for c in l] for l in Y_correl_from_input]
1166		Y_correl_from_both_str = [[f'{c:.{correl_precision}f}' for c in l] for l in Y_correl_from_both]
1169		if f'{infield}_covar' in fields:
1170			fields.insert(1, f'{infield}_SE')
1173		data_out[0] += [infield]
1174		for k in range(N):
1175			data_out[k+1] += [X_str[k]]
1176		for f in fields[1:]:
1177			if f.endswith('_SE'):
1178				data_out[0] += [f]
1179				for k in range(N):
1180					data_out[k+1] += [X_SE_str[k]]
1181			if f.endswith('_covar') or f.endswith('_correl'):
1182				if not ignore_correl:
1183					data_out[0] += [f] + ['' for _ in range(N-1)]
1184					for k in range(N):
1185						data_out[k+1] += (X_covar_str if f.endswith('_covar') else X_correl_str)[k][:]
1188		data_out[0] += [outfield]
1189		for k in range(N):
1190			data_out[k+1] += [Y_str[k]]
1192		data_out[0] += [f'{outfield}_SE_from_calib']
1193		for k in range(N):
1194			data_out[k+1] += [Y_SE_from_calib_str[k]]
1195		if not ignore_correl:
1196			if return_covar:
1197				data_out[0] += [f'{outfield}_covar_from_calib'] + ['' for _ in range(N-1)]
1198				for k in range(N):
1199					data_out[k+1] += Y_covar_from_calib_str[k]
1200			else:
1201				data_out[0] += [f'{outfield}_correl_from_calib'] + ['' for _ in range(N-1)]
1202				for k in range(N):
1203					data_out[k+1] += Y_correl_from_calib_str[k]
1205		data_out[0] += [f'{outfield}_SE_from_input']
1206		for k in range(N):
1207			data_out[k+1] += [Y_SE_from_input_str[k]]
1208		if not ignore_correl:
1209			if return_covar:
1210				data_out[0] += [f'{outfield}_covar_from_input'] + ['' for _ in range(N-1)]
1211				for k in range(N):
1212					data_out[k+1] += Y_covar_from_input_str[k]
1213			else:
1214				data_out[0] += [f'{outfield}_correl_from_input'] + ['' for _ in range(N-1)]
1215				for k in range(N):
1216					data_out[k+1] += Y_correl_from_input_str[k]
1218		data_out[0] += [f'{outfield}_SE_from_both']
1219		for k in range(N):
1220			data_out[k+1] += [Y_SE_from_both_str[k]]
1221		if not ignore_correl:
1222			if return_covar:
1223				data_out[0] += [f'{outfield}_covar_from_both'] + ['' for _ in range(N-1)]
1224				for k in range(N):
1225					data_out[k+1] += Y_covar_from_both_str[k]
1226			else:
1227				data_out[0] += [f'{outfield}_correl_from_both'] + ['' for _ in range(N-1)]
1228				for k in range(N):
1229					data_out[k+1] += Y_correl_from_both_str[k]
1233		if delim_out in '<>':
1234			lengths = [max([len(data_out[j][k]) for j in range(len(data_out))]) for k in range(len(data_out[0]))]
1236			txt = ''
1237			for l in data_out:
1238				for k in range(len(l)):
1239					if k > 0:
1240						txt += '  '
1241					txt += f'{l[k]:{delim_out}{lengths[k]}s}'
1242				txt += '\n'
1244			txt = txt[:-1]
1246		else:
1247			txt = '\n'.join([delim_out.join(l) for l in data_out])
1249		if outfile == 'none':
1250			print(txt)
1251		else:
1252			with open(outfile, 'w') as f:
1253				f.write(txt)
1255	def __cli():
1256		app()
1258except NameError:
1259	pass


class D47calib(ogls.InverseTPolynomial):
 40class D47calib(_ogls.InverseTPolynomial):
 41	"""
 42	Δ47 calibration class based on OGLS regression
 43	of Δ47 as a polynomial function of inverse T.
 44	"""
 46	def __init__(self,
 47		samples, T, D47,
 48		sT = None,
 49		sD47 = None,
 50		degrees = [0,2],
 51		xpower = 2,
 52		name = '',
 53		label = '',
 54		description = '',
 55		**kwargs,
 56		):
 57		"""
 58		### Parameters
 60		+ **samples**: a list of N sample names.
 61		+ **T**: a 1-D array (or array-like) of temperatures values (in degrees C), of size N.
 62		+ **D47**: a 1-D array (or array-like) of Δ47 values (in permil), of size N.
 63		+ **sT**: uncertainties on `T`. If specified as:
 64		  + a scalar: `sT` is treated as the standard error applicable to all `T` values;
 65		  + a 1-D array-like of size N: `sT` is treated as the standard errors of `T`;
 66		  + a 2-D array-like of size (N, N): `sT` is treated as the (co)variance matrix of `T`.
 67		+ **sD47**: uncertainties on `D47`. If specified as:
 68		  + a scalar: `sD47` is treated as the standard error applicable to all `D47` values;
 69		  + a 1-D array-like of size N: `sD47` is treated as the standard errors of `D47`;
 70		  + a 2-D array-like of size (N, N): `sD47` is treated as the (co)variance matrix of `D47`.
 71		+ **degrees**: degrees of the polynomial regression, e.g., `[0, 2]` or `[0, 1, 2, 3, 4]`.
 72		+ **name**: a human-readable, short name assigned to the calibration.
 73		+ **label**: a short description of the calibration, e.g., to be used in legends.
 74		+ **description**: a longer description, including relevant references/DOIs.
 75		This is not necessary when `bfp` and `CM_bfp` are specified at instantiation time.
 76		+ **kwargs**: keyword arguments passed to the underlying `ogls.InverseTPolynomial()` call.
 78		### Notable attributes
 80		+ **N**:
 81		The total number of observations (samples) in the calibration data.
 82		+ **samples**:
 83		The list sample names.
 84		+ **T**:
 85		1-D `ndarray` of temperatures in degrees C.
 86		+ **D47**:
 87		1-D `ndarray` of Δ47 values in permil.
 88		+ **sT**:
 89		2-D `ndarray` equal to the full (co)variance matrix for `T`.
 90		+ **D47**:
 91		2-D `ndarray` equal to the full (co)variance matrix for `D47`.
 92		+ **xpower**:
 93		By default, all `D47calib` graphical methods plot Δ47 as a function of 1/T<sup>2</sup>.
 94		It is possible to change this behavior to use a different power of 1/T.
 95		This is done by redefining the `xpower` attribute to a different, non-zero `int` value
 96		(e.g. `foo.xpower = 1` to plot as a function of 1/T instead of 1/T<sup>2</sup>).
 97		+ **bfp**:
 98		The best-fit parameters of the regression.
 99		This is a `dict` with keys equal to the polynomial coefficients (see `bff` definition below)
100		+ **bff()**:
101		The best-fit polynomial function of inverse T, defined as:
102		`bff(x) = sum(bfp[f'a{k}'] * x**k for k in degrees)`
103		Note that `bff` takes `x = 1/(T+273.15)` (instead of `T`) as input.
106		### Examples
108		A very simple example:
110		````py
111		.. include:: ../../code_examples/D47calib_init/example.py
112		````
114		Should yield:
116		````
117		.. include:: ../../code_examples/D47calib_init/output.txt
118		````
120		"""
122		self.samples = samples[:]
123		self.name = name
124		self.label = label
125		self.description = description
126		self.D47 = _np.asarray(D47, dtype = 'float')
127		self.N = self.D47.size
129		if sD47 is None:
130			self.sD47 = _np.zeros((self.N, self.N))
131		else:
132			self.sD47 = _np.asarray(sD47)
133			if len(self.sD47.shape) == 1:
134				self.sD47 = _np.diag(self.sD47**2)
135			elif len(self.sD47.shape) == 0:
136				self.sD47 = _np.eye(self.D47.size) * self.sD47**2
138		_ogls.InverseTPolynomial.__init__(self, T=T, Y=D47, sT=sT, sY=sD47, degrees = degrees, xpower = xpower, **kwargs)
140		if self.bfp is None:
141			self.regress()
143		self._bff_deriv = lambda x: _np.array([k * self.bfp[f'a{k}'] * x**(k-1) for k in degrees if k > 0]).sum(axis = 0)
145		xi = _np.linspace(0,200**-1,1001)
146		self._inv_bff = _interp1d(self.bff(xi), xi)
148		self._D47_from_T = lambda T: self.bff((T+273.15)**-1)
149		self._T_from_D47 = lambda D47: self._inv_bff(D47)**-1 - 273.15
150		self._D47_from_T_deriv = lambda T: -(T+273.15)**-2 * self._bff_deriv((T+273.15)**-1)
151		self._T_from_D47_deriv = lambda D47: self._D47_from_T_deriv(self._T_from_D47(D47))**-1
153	def __repr__(self):
154		return f'<D47calib: {self.name}>'
156	def invT_xaxis(self,
157		xlabel = None,
158		Ti = [0,20,50,100,250,1000],
159		):
160		"""
161		Create and return an `Axes` object with X values equal to 1/T<sup>2</sup>,
162		but labeled in degrees Celsius.
164		### Parameters
166		+ **xlabel**:
167		Custom label for X axis (`r'$1\,/\,T^2$'` by default)
168		+ **Ti**:
169		Specify tick locations for X axis, in degrees C.
171		### Returns
173		+ an `matplotlib.axes.Axes` instance
175		### Examples
177		````py
178		.. include:: ../../code_examples/D47calib_invT_xaxis/example_1.py
179		````
181		This should result in something like this:
183		<img align="center" src="example_invT_xaxis_1.png">
185		It is also possible to define the X axis using a different power of 1/T
186		by first redefining the `xpower` attribute:
188		````py
189		.. include:: ../../code_examples/D47calib_invT_xaxis/example_2.py
190		````
192		This should result in something like this:
194		<img align="center" src="example_invT_xaxis_2.png">
195		"""
196		if xlabel is None:
197			xlabel = f'$1\\,/\\,T^{self.xpower}$' if self.xpower > 1 else '1/T'
198		_ppl.xlabel(xlabel)
199		_ppl.xticks([(273.15 + t) ** -self.xpower for t in sorted(Ti)[::-1]])
200		ax = _ppl.gca()
201		ax.set_xticklabels([f"${t}\\,$°C" for t in sorted(Ti)[::-1]])
202		ax.tick_params(which="major")
204		return ax
207	def plot_data(self, label = False, **kwargs):
208		"""
209		Plot Δ47 value of each sample as a function of 1/T<sup>2</sup>.
211		### Parameters
213		+ **label**:
214		  + If `label` is a string, use this string as `label` for the underlyig
215		  `matplotlib.pyplot.plot()` call.
216		  + If `label = True`, use the caller's `label` attribute instead.
217		  + If `label = False`, no label is specified (default behavior).
218		+ **kwargs**:
219		keyword arguments passed to the underlying `matplotlib.pyplot.plot()` call.
221		### Returns
223		+ the return value(s) of the underlying `matplotlib.pyplot.plot()` call.
225		### Example
227		````py
228		from matplotlib import pyplot as ppl
229		from D47calib import huyghe_2022 as calib
231		fig = ppl.figure(figsize = (5,3))
232		ppl.subplots_adjust(bottom = .25, left = .15)
233		calib.invT_xaxis(Ti = [0,10,25])
234		calib.plot_data(label = True)
235		ppl.ylabel('$Δ_{47}$ (‰ I-CDES)')
236		ppl.legend()
237		ppl.savefig('example_plot_data.png', dpi = 100)
238		`````
240		This should result in something like this:
242		<img align="center" src="example_plot_data.png">
243		"""
244# 		if 'mec' not in kwargs:
245# 			kwargs['mec'] = self.color
246		if label is not False:
247			kwargs['label'] = self.label if label is True else label
248		return _ogls.InverseTPolynomial.plot_data(self, **kwargs)
251	def plot_error_bars(self, **kwargs):
252		"""
253		Plot Δ47 error bars (±1.96 SE) of each sample as a function of 1/T<sup>2</sup>.
255		### Parameters
257		+ **kwargs**:
258		keyword arguments passed to the underlying `matplotlib.pyplot.errrobar()` call.
260		### Returns
262		+ the return value(s) of the underlying `matplotlib.pyplot.errorbar()` call.
264		### Example
266		````py
267		from matplotlib import pyplot as ppl
268		from D47calib import huyghe_2022 as calib
270		fig = ppl.figure(figsize = (5,3))
271		ppl.subplots_adjust(bottom = .25, left = .15)
272		calib.invT_xaxis(Ti = [0,10,25])
273		calib.plot_error_bars(alpha = .4)
274		calib.plot_data(label = True)
275		ppl.ylabel('$Δ_{47}$ (‰ I-CDES)')
276		ppl.legend()
277		ppl.savefig('example_plot_error_bars.png', dpi = 100)
278		`````
280		This should result in something like this:
282		<img align="center" src="example_plot_error_bars.png">
283		"""
284# 		if 'ecolor' not in kwargs:
285# 			kwargs['ecolor'] = self.color
286		return _ogls.InverseTPolynomial.plot_error_bars(self, **kwargs)
289	def plot_error_ellipses(self, **kwargs):
290		"""
291		Plot Δ47 error ellipses (95 % confidence) of each sample as a function of 1/T<sup>2</sup>.
293		### Parameters
295		+ **kwargs**:
296		keyword arguments passed to the underlying `matplotlib.patches.Ellipse()` call.
298		### Returns
300		+ the return value(s) of the underlying `matplotlib.patches.Ellipse()` call.
302		### Example
304		````py
305		from matplotlib import pyplot as ppl
306		from D47calib import huyghe_2022 as calib
308		fig = ppl.figure(figsize = (5,3))
309		ppl.subplots_adjust(bottom = .25, left = .15)
310		calib.invT_xaxis(Ti = [0,10,25])
311		calib.plot_error_ellipses(alpha = .4)
312		calib.plot_data(label = True)
313		ppl.ylabel('$Δ_{47}$ (‰ I-CDES)')
314		ppl.legend()
315		ppl.savefig('example_plot_error_ellipses.png', dpi = 100)
316		`````
318		This should result in something like this:
320		<img align="center" src="example_plot_error_ellipses.png">
321		"""
322# 		if 'ec' not in kwargs:
323# 			kwargs['ec'] = self.color
324		return _ogls.InverseTPolynomial.plot_error_ellipses(self, **kwargs)
327	def plot_bff(self, label = False, **kwargs):
328		"""
329		Plot best-fit regression of Δ47 as a function of 1/T<sup>2</sup>.
331		### Parameters
333		+ **label**:
334		  + If `label` is a string, use this string as `label` for the underlyig
335		  `matplotlib.pyplot.plot()` call.
336		  + If `label = True`, use the caller's `label` attribute instead.
337		  + If `label = False`, no label is specified (default behavior).
338		+ **kwargs**:
339		keyword arguments passed to the underlying `matplotlib.pyplot.plot()` call.
341		### Returns
343		+ the return value(s) of the underlying `matplotlib.pyplot.plot()` call.
345		### Example
347		````py
348		from matplotlib import pyplot as ppl
349		from D47calib import huyghe_2022 as calib
351		fig = ppl.figure(figsize = (5,3))
352		ppl.subplots_adjust(bottom = .25, left = .15)
353		calib.invT_xaxis(Ti = [0,10,25])
354		calib.plot_bff(label = True, dashes = (8,2,2,2))
355		calib.plot_data()
356		ppl.ylabel('$Δ_{47}$ (‰ I-CDES)')
357		ppl.legend()
358		ppl.savefig('example_plot_bff.png', dpi = 100)
359		`````
361		This should result in something like this:
363		<img align="center" src="example_plot_bff.png">
364		"""
365# 		if 'color' not in kwargs:
366# 			kwargs['color'] = self.color
367		if label is not False:
368			kwargs['label'] = self.label if label is True else label
369		return _ogls.InverseTPolynomial.plot_bff(self, **kwargs)
372	def plot_bff_ci(self, **kwargs):
373		"""
374		Plot 95 % confidence region for best-fit regression of Δ47 as a function of 1/T<sup>2</sup>.
376		### Parameters
378		+ **label**:
379		+ **kwargs**:
380		keyword arguments passed to the underlying `matplotlib.pyplot.fill_between()` call.
382		### Returns
384		+ the return value(s) of the underlying `matplotlib.pyplot.fill_between()` call.
386		### Example
388		````py
389		from matplotlib import pyplot as ppl
390		from D47calib import huyghe_2022 as calib
392		fig = ppl.figure(figsize = (5,3))
393		ppl.subplots_adjust(bottom = .25, left = .15)
394		calib.invT_xaxis(Ti = [0,10,25])
395		calib.plot_bff_ci(alpha = .15)
396		calib.plot_bff(label = True, dashes = (8,2,2,2))
397		calib.plot_data()
398		ppl.ylabel('$Δ_{47}$ (‰ I-CDES)')
399		ppl.legend()
400		ppl.savefig('example_plot_bff_ci.png', dpi = 100)
401		`````
403		This should result in something like this:
405		<img align="center" src="example_plot_bff_ci.png">
406		"""
407# 		if 'color' not in kwargs:
408# 			kwargs['color'] = self.color
409		return _ogls.InverseTPolynomial.plot_bff_ci(self, **kwargs)
411	def T47(self,
412		D47 = None,
413		sD47 = None,
414		T=None,
415		sT = None,
416		error_from = 'both',
417		return_covar = False,
418		):
419		'''
420		When `D47` is input, computes corresponding T value(s).
421		`D47` input may be specified as a scalar, or as a 1-D array.
422		`T` output will then have the same type and size as `D47`.
424		When `T` is input, computes corresponding Δ47 value(s).
425		`T` input may be specified as a scalar, or as a 1-D array.
426		`D47` output will then have the same type and size as `T`.
428		Only one of either `D47` or `T` may be specified as input.
430		**Arguments:**		
432		* `D47`: Δ47 value(s) to convert into temperature (`float` or 1-D array)
433		* `sD47`: Δ47 uncertainties, which may be:
434		  - `None` (default)
435		  - `float` or `int` (uniform standard error on `D47`)
436		  - 1-D array (standard errors on `D47`)
437		  - 2-D array (covariance matrix for `D47`)
438		* `T`: T value(s) to convert into Δ47 (`float` or 1-D array), in degrees C
439		* `sT`: T uncertainties, which may be:
440		  - `None` (default)
441		  - `float` or `int` (uniform standard error on `T`)
442		  - 1-D array (standard errors on `T`)
443		  - 2-D array (variance-covariance matrix for `T`)
444		* `error_from`: if set to `'both'` (default), returned errors take into account
445		  input uncertainties (`sT` or `sD47`) as well as calibration uncertainties;
446		  if set to `'calib'`, only calibration uncertainties are accounted for;
447		  if set to `'sT'` or `'sD47'`, calibration uncertainties are ignored.
448		* `return_covar`: (False by default) whether to return the full covariance matrix
449		  for returned `T` or `D47` values, otherwise return standard errors for the returned
450		  `T` or `D47` values instead.
452		**Returns (with `D47` input):**
454		* `T`: temperature value(s) computed from `D47`
455		* `sT`: uncertainties on `T` value(s), whether as standard error(s) or covariance matrix
457		**Returns (with `T` input):**
459		* `D47`: Δ47 value(s) computed from `D47`
460		* `sD47`: uncertainties on `D47` value(s), whether as standard error(s) or covariance matrix
462		### Example
464		````py
465		import numpy as np
466		from matplotlib import pyplot as ppl
467		from D47calib import OGLS23 as calib
469		X = np.linspace(1473**-2, 270**-2)
470		D47, sD47 = calib.T47(T = X**-0.5 - 273.15)
472		fig = ppl.figure(figsize = (5,3))
473		ppl.subplots_adjust(bottom = .25, left = .15)
474		calib.invT_xaxis()
475		ppl.plot(X, 1000 * sD47, 'r-')
476		ppl.ylabel('Calibration SE on $Δ_{47}$ values (ppm)')
477		ppl.savefig('example_SE47.png', dpi = 100)
478		`````
480		This should result in something like this:
482		<img src="example_SE47.png">
483		'''
485		if D47 is None and T is None:
486			raise ValueError('Either D47 or T must be specified, but both are undefined.')
488		if D47 is not None and T is not None:
489			raise ValueError('Either D47 or T must be specified, but not both.')
491		if T is not None:
493			D47 = self._D47_from_T(T)
494			Np = len(self.degrees)
495			N = D47.size
497			### Compute covariance matrix of (*bfp, *T):
498			CM = _np.zeros((Np+N, Np+N))
500			if error_from in ['calib', 'both']:
501				CM[:Np, :Np] = self.bfp_CM[:,:]
503			if (sT is not None) and error_from in ['sT', 'both']:
504				_sT = _np.asarray(sT)
505				if _sT.ndim == 0:
506					for k in range(N):
507						CM[Np+k, Np+k] = _sT**2
508				elif _sT.ndim == 1:
509					for k in range(N):
510						CM[Np+k, Np+k] = _sT[k]**2
511				elif _sT.ndim == 2:
512					CM[-N:, -N:] = _sT[:,:]
514			### Compute Jacobian of D47(T) relative to (*bfp, *T):
515			_T = _np.asarray(T)
516			if _T.ndim == 0:
517				_T = _np.expand_dims(_T, 0)
518			J = _np.zeros((N, Np+N))
520			if (sT is not None) and error_from in ['sT', 'both']:
521				for k in range(N):
522					J[k, Np+k] = self._D47_from_T_deriv(_T[k])
524			if error_from in ['calib', 'both']:
526				for k in range(Np):
528					p1 = {_: self.bfp[_] for _ in self.bfp}
529					p1[f'a{self.degrees[k]}'] += 0.001 * self.bfp_CM[k,k]**.5
531					p2 = {_: self.bfp[_] for _ in self.bfp}
532					p2[f'a{self.degrees[k]}'] -= 0.001 * self.bfp_CM[k,k]**.5
534					J[:, k] = (self.model_fun(p1, (_T+273.15)**-1) - self.model_fun(p2, (_T+273.15)**-1)) / (0.002 * self.bfp_CM[k,k]**.5)
536			### Error propagation:
537			CM_D47 = J @ CM @ J.T
539			if return_covar:
540				return D47, CM_D47
541			else:
542				return D47, float(_np.diag(CM_D47)**.5) if D47.ndim == 0 else _np.diag(CM_D47)**.5
544		if D47 is not None:
546			T = self._T_from_D47(D47)
547			Np = len(self.degrees)
548			N = T.size
550			### Compute covariance matrix of (*bfp, *T):
551			CM = _np.zeros((Np+N, Np+N))
553			if error_from in ['calib', 'both']:
554				CM[:Np, :Np] = self.bfp_CM[:,:]
556			if (sD47 is not None) and error_from in ['sD47', 'both']:
557				_sD47 = _np.asarray(sD47)
558				if _sD47.ndim == 0:
559					for k in range(N):
560						CM[Np+k, Np+k] = _sD47**2
561				elif _sD47.ndim == 1:
562					for k in range(N):
563						CM[Np+k, Np+k] = _sD47[k]**2
564				elif _sD47.ndim == 2:
565					CM[-N:, -N:] = _sD47[:,:]
567			### Compute Jacobian of T(D47) relative to (*bfp, *D47):
568			_D47 = _np.asarray(D47)
569			if _D47.ndim == 0:
570				_D47 = _np.expand_dims(_D47, 0)
571			J = _np.zeros((N, Np+N))
572			if (sD47 is not None) and error_from in ['sD47', 'both']:
573				for k in range(N):
574					J[k, Np+k] = self._T_from_D47_deriv(_D47[k])
575			if error_from in ['calib', 'both']:
577				xi = _np.linspace(0,200**-1,1001)[1:]
578				for k in range(Np):
580					if self.bfp_CM[k,k]:
581						_epsilon_ = self.bfp_CM[k,k]**.5
582					else:
583						_epsilon_ = 1e-6
585					p1 = {_: self.bfp[_] for _ in self.bfp}
586					p1[f'a{self.degrees[k]}'] += 0.001 * _epsilon_
587					T_from_D47_p1 = _interp1d(self.model_fun(p1, xi), xi**-1 - 273.15)
589					p2 = {_: self.bfp[_] for _ in self.bfp}
590					p2[f'a{self.degrees[k]}'] -= 0.001 * _epsilon_
591					T_from_D47_p2 = _interp1d(self.model_fun(p2, xi), xi**-1 - 273.15)
593					J[:, k] = (T_from_D47_p1(_D47) - T_from_D47_p2(_D47)) / (0.002 * _epsilon_)
595			### Error propagation:
596			CM_T = J @ CM @ J.T
598			if return_covar:
599				return T, CM_T
600			else:
601				return T, float(_np.diag(CM_T)**.5) if T.ndim == 0 else _np.diag(CM_T)**.5
604	def plot_T47_errors(
605		self,
606		calibname = None,
607		rD47 = 0.010,
608		Nr = [2,4,8,12,20],
609		Tmin = 0,
610		Tmax = 120,
611		colors = [(1,0,0),(1,.5,0),(.25,.75,0),(0,.5,1),(0.5,0.5,0.5)],
612		yscale = 'lin',
613		):
614		"""
615		Plot SE of T reconstructed using the calibration as a function of T for various
616		combinations of analytical precision and number of analytical replicates.
618		**Arguments**		
620		+ **calibname**:
621		Which calibration name to display. By default, use `label` attribute.
622		+ **rD47**:
623		Analytical precision of a single analysis.
624		+ **Nr**:
625		A list of lines to plot, each corresponding to a given number of replicates.
626		+ **Tmin**:
627		Minimum T to plot.
628		+ **Tmax**:
629		Maximum T to plot.
630		+ **colors**:
631		A list of colors to distinguish the plotted lines.
632		+ **yscale**:
633		  + If `'lin'`, the Y axis uses a linear scale.
634		  + If `'log'`, the Y axis uses a logarithmic scale.
636		**Example**
638		````py
639		from matplotlib import pyplot as ppl
640		from D47calib import devils_laghetto_2023 as calib
642		fig = ppl.figure(figsize = (3.5,4))
643		ppl.subplots_adjust(bottom = .2, left = .15)
644		calib.plot_T47_errors(
645			calibname = 'Devils Laghetto calibration',
646			Nr = [1,2,4,16],
647			Tmin  =0,
648			Tmax = 40,
649			)
650		ppl.savefig('example_SE_T.png', dpi = 100)
651		````
653		This should result in something like this:
655		<img src="example_SE_T.png">
656		"""
658		if calibname is None:
659			calibname = self.label
661		Nr = _np.array(Nr)
662		if len(colors) < Nr.size:
663			print('WARNING: Too few colors to plot different numbers of replicates; generating new colors.')
664			from colorsys import hsv_to_rgb
665			hsv = [(x*1.0/Nr.size, 1, .9) for x in range(Nr.size)]
666			colors = [hsv_to_rgb(*x) for x in hsv]
668		Ti = _np.linspace(Tmin, Tmax)
669		D47i, _  = self.T47(T = Ti)
670		_, sT_calib = self.T47(D47 = D47i, error_from = 'calib')
672		ymax, ymin = 0, 1e6
673		for N,c in zip(Nr, colors):
674			_, sT = self.T47(D47 = D47i, sD47 = rD47 / N**.5, error_from = 'sD47')
675			_ppl.plot(Ti, sT, '-', color = c, label=f'SE for {N} replicate{"s" if N > 1 else ""}')
676			ymin = min(ymin, min(sT))
677			ymax = max(ymax, max(sT))
679		_ppl.plot(Ti, sT_calib, 'k--', label='SE from calibration')
681		_ppl.legend(fontsize=9)
682		_ppl.xlabel("T (°C)")
684		_ppl.ylabel("Standard error on reconstructed T (°C)")
686		# yticks([0,.5,1,1.5,2])
687		_ppl.title(f"{calibname},\nassuming external Δ$_{{47}}$ repeatability of {rD47:.3f} ‰", size = 9)
688		_ppl.grid( alpha = .25)
689		if yscale == 'lin':
690			_ppl.axis([Ti[0], Ti[-1], 0, ymax*1.05])
691			t1, t2 = self.T.min(), self.T.max()
692			_ppl.plot([t1, t2], [0, 0], 'k-', alpha = .25, lw = 8, solid_capstyle = 'butt', clip_on = False)
693			_ppl.text((t1+t2)/2, 0, 'range of observations\n', alpha = .4, size = 7, ha = 'center', va = 'bottom', style = 'italic')
694			_ppl.axis([None, None, None, _ppl.axis()[-1]*1.25])
695		elif yscale == 'log':
696			ymin /= 2
697			_ppl.axis([Ti[0], Ti[-1], ymin, ymax*1.05])
698			_ppl.yscale('log')
699			t1, t2 = self.T.min(), self.T.max()
700			_ppl.plot([t1, t2], [ymin, ymin], 'k-', alpha = .25, lw = 8, solid_capstyle = 'butt', clip_on = False)
701			_ppl.text((t1+t2)/2, ymin, 'range of observations\n', alpha = .4, size = 7, ha = 'center', va = 'bottom', style = 'italic')
703	def export_data(self, csvfile, sep = ',', label = False, T_correl = False, D47_correl = False):
704		"""
705		Write calibration data to a csv file.
707		### Parameters
709		+ **csvfile**:
710		The filename to write data to.
711		+ **sep**:
712		The separator between CSV fields.
713		+ **label**:
714		  + If specified as `True`, include a `Dataset` column with the calibration's `label` attribute.
715		  + If specified as a `str`, include a `Dataset` column with that string.
716		  + If specified as `False`, do not include a `Dataset` column.
717		+ **T_correl**:
718		  + If `True`, include correlations between all `T` values.
719		+ **D47_correl**:
720		  + If `True`, include correlations between all `D47` values.
722		### Example
724		````py
725		D47calib.huyghe_2022.export_data(
726			csvfile = 'example_export_data.csv',
727			T_correl = True,
728			D47_correl = True,
729			)
730		````
732		This should result in something like this ([link](example_export_data.csv)):
734		.. include:: ../../docs/example_export_data.md
736		"""
737		n = len(str(self.N))
739		with open(csvfile, 'w') as f:
740			f.write(sep.join(['ID', 'Sample', 'T', 'SE_T', 'D47', 'SE_D47']))
742			if label:
743				f.write(f'{sep}Dataset')
745			if T_correl:
746				inv_diag_sT = _np.diag(_np.diag(self.sT)**-.5)
747				Tcorrel = inv_diag_sT @ self.sT @ inv_diag_sT
748				f.write(sep.join(['']+[f'Tcorrel_{k+1:0{n}d}' for k in range(self.N)]))
750			if D47_correl:
751				inv_diag_sD47 = _np.diag(_np.diag(self.sD47)**-.5)
752				D47correl = inv_diag_sD47 @ self.sD47 @ inv_diag_sD47
753				f.write(sep.join(['']+[f'D47correl_{k+1:0{n}d}' for k in range(self.N)]))
755			for k, (s, T, sT, D47, sD47) in enumerate(zip(
756				self.samples,
757				self.T,
758				_np.diag(self.sT)**.5,
759				self.D47,
760				_np.diag(self.sD47)**.5,
761				)):
762				f.write('\n' + sep.join([f'{k+1:0{n}d}', s, f'{T:.2f}', f'{sT:.2f}', f'{D47:.4f}', f'{sD47:.4f}']))
763				if label:
764					if label is True:
765						f.write(f'{sep}{self.label}')
766					else:
767						f.write(f'{sep}{label}')
768				if T_correl:
769					f.write(sep.join(['']+[
770						f'{Tcorrel[k,_]:.0f}'
771						if f'{Tcorrel[k,_]:.6f}'[-6:] == '000000'
772						else f'{Tcorrel[k,_]:.6f}'
773						for _ in range(self.N)]))
774				if D47_correl:
775					f.write(sep.join(['']+[
776						f'{D47correl[k,_]:.0f}'
777						if f'{D47correl[k,_]:.6f}'[-6:] == '000000'
778						else f'{D47correl[k,_]:.6f}'
779						for _ in range(self.N)]))
782	def export(self, name, filename):
783		"""
784		Save `D47calib` object as an importable file.
786		### Parameters
788		+ **name**:
789		The name of the variable to export.
790		+ **filename**:
791		The filename to write to.
793		### Example
795		````py
796		D47calib.anderson_2021_lsce.export('foo', 'bar.py')
797		````
799		This should result in a `bar.py` file with the following contents:
801		````py
802		foo = D47calib(
803			samples = ['LGB-2', 'DVH-2'],
804			T = [7.9, 33.7],
805			D47 = [0.6485720997671647, 0.5695972909966959],
806			sT = [[0.04000000000000001, 0.0], [0.0, 0.04000000000000001]],
807			sD47 = [[8.72797097773764e-06, 2.951894073404263e-06], [2.9518940734042614e-06, 7.498611746762038e-06]],
808			description = 'Devils Hole & Laghetto Basso from Anderson et al. (2021), processed in I-CDES',
809			label = 'Slow-growing calcites from Anderson et al. (2021)',
810			color = (0, 0.5, 0),
811			degrees = [0, 2],
812			bfp = {'a0': 0.1583220210575451, 'a2': 38724.41371782721},
813			bfp_CM = [[0.00035908667755871876, -30.707016431538836], [-30.70701643153884, 2668091.396598919]],
814			chisq = 6.421311854486162e-27,
815			Nf = 0,
816			)
817		````
818		"""
819		with open(filename, 'w') as f:
820			f.write(f'''
821{name} = D47calib(
822	samples = {self.samples},
823	T = {list(self.T)},
824	D47 = {list(self.D47)},
825	sT = {[list(l) for l in self.sT]},
826	sD47 = {[list(l) for l in self.sD47]},
827	degrees = {self.degrees},
828	description = {repr(self.description)},
829	name = {repr(self.name)},
830	label = {repr(self.label)},
831	bfp = {self.bfp},
832	bfp_CM = {[list(l) for l in self.bfp_CM]},
833	chisq = {self.chisq},
834	cholesky_residuals = {list(self.cholesky_residuals)},
835	aic = {self.aic},
836	bic = {self.bic},
837	ks_pvalue = {self.ks_pvalue},
838	)

Δ47 calibration class based on OGLS regression of Δ47 as a polynomial function of inverse T.

D47calib( samples, T, D47, sT=None, sD47=None, degrees=[0, 2], xpower=2, name='', label='', description='', **kwargs)
 46	def __init__(self,
 47		samples, T, D47,
 48		sT = None,
 49		sD47 = None,
 50		degrees = [0,2],
 51		xpower = 2,
 52		name = '',
 53		label = '',
 54		description = '',
 55		**kwargs,
 56		):
 57		"""
 58		### Parameters
 60		+ **samples**: a list of N sample names.
 61		+ **T**: a 1-D array (or array-like) of temperatures values (in degrees C), of size N.
 62		+ **D47**: a 1-D array (or array-like) of Δ47 values (in permil), of size N.
 63		+ **sT**: uncertainties on `T`. If specified as:
 64		  + a scalar: `sT` is treated as the standard error applicable to all `T` values;
 65		  + a 1-D array-like of size N: `sT` is treated as the standard errors of `T`;
 66		  + a 2-D array-like of size (N, N): `sT` is treated as the (co)variance matrix of `T`.
 67		+ **sD47**: uncertainties on `D47`. If specified as:
 68		  + a scalar: `sD47` is treated as the standard error applicable to all `D47` values;
 69		  + a 1-D array-like of size N: `sD47` is treated as the standard errors of `D47`;
 70		  + a 2-D array-like of size (N, N): `sD47` is treated as the (co)variance matrix of `D47`.
 71		+ **degrees**: degrees of the polynomial regression, e.g., `[0, 2]` or `[0, 1, 2, 3, 4]`.
 72		+ **name**: a human-readable, short name assigned to the calibration.
 73		+ **label**: a short description of the calibration, e.g., to be used in legends.
 74		+ **description**: a longer description, including relevant references/DOIs.
 75		This is not necessary when `bfp` and `CM_bfp` are specified at instantiation time.
 76		+ **kwargs**: keyword arguments passed to the underlying `ogls.InverseTPolynomial()` call.
 78		### Notable attributes
 80		+ **N**:
 81		The total number of observations (samples) in the calibration data.
 82		+ **samples**:
 83		The list sample names.
 84		+ **T**:
 85		1-D `ndarray` of temperatures in degrees C.
 86		+ **D47**:
 87		1-D `ndarray` of Δ47 values in permil.
 88		+ **sT**:
 89		2-D `ndarray` equal to the full (co)variance matrix for `T`.
 90		+ **D47**:
 91		2-D `ndarray` equal to the full (co)variance matrix for `D47`.
 92		+ **xpower**:
 93		By default, all `D47calib` graphical methods plot Δ47 as a function of 1/T<sup>2</sup>.
 94		It is possible to change this behavior to use a different power of 1/T.
 95		This is done by redefining the `xpower` attribute to a different, non-zero `int` value
 96		(e.g. `foo.xpower = 1` to plot as a function of 1/T instead of 1/T<sup>2</sup>).
 97		+ **bfp**:
 98		The best-fit parameters of the regression.
 99		This is a `dict` with keys equal to the polynomial coefficients (see `bff` definition below)
100		+ **bff()**:
101		The best-fit polynomial function of inverse T, defined as:
102		`bff(x) = sum(bfp[f'a{k}'] * x**k for k in degrees)`
103		Note that `bff` takes `x = 1/(T+273.15)` (instead of `T`) as input.
106		### Examples
108		A very simple example:
110		````py
111		.. include:: ../../code_examples/D47calib_init/example.py
112		````
114		Should yield:
116		````
117		.. include:: ../../code_examples/D47calib_init/output.txt
118		````
120		"""
122		self.samples = samples[:]
123		self.name = name
124		self.label = label
125		self.description = description
126		self.D47 = _np.asarray(D47, dtype = 'float')
127		self.N = self.D47.size
129		if sD47 is None:
130			self.sD47 = _np.zeros((self.N, self.N))
131		else:
132			self.sD47 = _np.asarray(sD47)
133			if len(self.sD47.shape) == 1:
134				self.sD47 = _np.diag(self.sD47**2)
135			elif len(self.sD47.shape) == 0:
136				self.sD47 = _np.eye(self.D47.size) * self.sD47**2
138		_ogls.InverseTPolynomial.__init__(self, T=T, Y=D47, sT=sT, sY=sD47, degrees = degrees, xpower = xpower, **kwargs)
140		if self.bfp is None:
141			self.regress()
143		self._bff_deriv = lambda x: _np.array([k * self.bfp[f'a{k}'] * x**(k-1) for k in degrees if k > 0]).sum(axis = 0)
145		xi = _np.linspace(0,200**-1,1001)
146		self._inv_bff = _interp1d(self.bff(xi), xi)
148		self._D47_from_T = lambda T: self.bff((T+273.15)**-1)
149		self._T_from_D47 = lambda D47: self._inv_bff(D47)**-1 - 273.15
150		self._D47_from_T_deriv = lambda T: -(T+273.15)**-2 * self._bff_deriv((T+273.15)**-1)
151		self._T_from_D47_deriv = lambda D47: self._D47_from_T_deriv(self._T_from_D47(D47))**-1


  • samples: a list of N sample names.
  • T: a 1-D array (or array-like) of temperatures values (in degrees C), of size N.
  • D47: a 1-D array (or array-like) of Δ47 values (in permil), of size N.
  • sT: uncertainties on T. If specified as:
    • a scalar: sT is treated as the standard error applicable to all T values;
    • a 1-D array-like of size N: sT is treated as the standard errors of T;
    • a 2-D array-like of size (N, N): sT is treated as the (co)variance matrix of T.
  • sD47: uncertainties on D47. If specified as:
    • a scalar: sD47 is treated as the standard error applicable to all D47 values;
    • a 1-D array-like of size N: sD47 is treated as the standard errors of D47;
    • a 2-D array-like of size (N, N): sD47 is treated as the (co)variance matrix of D47.
  • degrees: degrees of the polynomial regression, e.g., [0, 2] or [0, 1, 2, 3, 4].
  • name: a human-readable, short name assigned to the calibration.
  • label: a short description of the calibration, e.g., to be used in legends.
  • description: a longer description, including relevant references/DOIs. This is not necessary when bfp and CM_bfp are specified at instantiation time.
  • kwargs: keyword arguments passed to the underlying ogls.InverseTPolynomial() call.

Notable attributes

  • N: The total number of observations (samples) in the calibration data.
  • samples: The list sample names.
  • T: 1-D ndarray of temperatures in degrees C.
  • D47: 1-D ndarray of Δ47 values in permil.
  • sT: 2-D ndarray equal to the full (co)variance matrix for T.
  • D47: 2-D ndarray equal to the full (co)variance matrix for D47.
  • xpower: By default, all D47calib graphical methods plot Δ47 as a function of 1/T2. It is possible to change this behavior to use a different power of 1/T. This is done by redefining the xpower attribute to a different, non-zero int value (e.g. foo.xpower = 1 to plot as a function of 1/T instead of 1/T2).
  • bfp: The best-fit parameters of the regression. This is a dict with keys equal to the polynomial coefficients (see bff definition below)
  • bff(): The best-fit polynomial function of inverse T, defined as: bff(x) = sum(bfp[f'a{k}'] * x**k for k in degrees) Note that bff takes x = 1/(T+273.15) (instead of T) as input.


A very simple example:

from D47calib import D47calib

mycalib = D47calib(
        samples     = ['FOO', 'BAR'],
        T           = [0.   , 25.  ],
        D47         = [0.7  , 0.6  ],
        sT          = 1.,
        sD47        = 0.01,

T, sT = mycalib.T47(D47 = 0.650)

print(f'T = {T:.1f}')
print(f'sT = {sT:.1f}')

Should yield:

T = 11.7
sT = 1.9

def invT_xaxis(self, xlabel=None, Ti=[0, 20, 50, 100, 250, 1000]):
156	def invT_xaxis(self,
157		xlabel = None,
158		Ti = [0,20,50,100,250,1000],
159		):
160		"""
161		Create and return an `Axes` object with X values equal to 1/T<sup>2</sup>,
162		but labeled in degrees Celsius.
164		### Parameters
166		+ **xlabel**:
167		Custom label for X axis (`r'$1\,/\,T^2$'` by default)
168		+ **Ti**:
169		Specify tick locations for X axis, in degrees C.
171		### Returns
173		+ an `matplotlib.axes.Axes` instance
175		### Examples
177		````py
178		.. include:: ../../code_examples/D47calib_invT_xaxis/example_1.py
179		````
181		This should result in something like this:
183		<img align="center" src="example_invT_xaxis_1.png">
185		It is also possible to define the X axis using a different power of 1/T
186		by first redefining the `xpower` attribute:
188		````py
189		.. include:: ../../code_examples/D47calib_invT_xaxis/example_2.py
190		````
192		This should result in something like this:
194		<img align="center" src="example_invT_xaxis_2.png">
195		"""
196		if xlabel is None:
197			xlabel = f'$1\\,/\\,T^{self.xpower}$' if self.xpower > 1 else '1/T'
198		_ppl.xlabel(xlabel)
199		_ppl.xticks([(273.15 + t) ** -self.xpower for t in sorted(Ti)[::-1]])
200		ax = _ppl.gca()
201		ax.set_xticklabels([f"${t}\\,$°C" for t in sorted(Ti)[::-1]])
202		ax.tick_params(which="major")
204		return ax

Create and return an Axes object with X values equal to 1/T2, but labeled in degrees Celsius.


  • xlabel: Custom label for X axis (r'$1\,/\,T^2$' by default)
  • Ti: Specify tick locations for X axis, in degrees C.


  • an matplotlib.axes.Axes instance


from matplotlib import pyplot as ppl
from D47calib import OGLS23 as calib

fig = ppl.figure(figsize = (5,3))
ppl.subplots_adjust(bottom = .25, left = .15)
ax = calib.invT_xaxis()
ax.set_xlim((0, 270**-2))
ppl.savefig('example_invT_xaxis_1.png', dpi = 100)

This should result in something like this:

It is also possible to define the X axis using a different power of 1/T by first redefining the xpower attribute:

from matplotlib import pyplot as ppl
from D47calib import OGLS23 as calib

calib.xpower = 4

fig = ppl.figure(figsize = (5,3))
ppl.subplots_adjust(bottom = .25, left = .15)
ax = calib.invT_xaxis(Ti = [1000, 100, 50, 25, 0])
ax.set_xlim((0, 270**-4))
ppl.savefig('example_invT_xaxis_2.png', dpi = 100)

This should result in something like this:

def plot_data(self, label=False, **kwargs):
207	def plot_data(self, label = False, **kwargs):
208		"""
209		Plot Δ47 value of each sample as a function of 1/T<sup>2</sup>.
211		### Parameters
213		+ **label**:
214		  + If `label` is a string, use this string as `label` for the underlyig
215		  `matplotlib.pyplot.plot()` call.
216		  + If `label = True`, use the caller's `label` attribute instead.
217		  + If `label = False`, no label is specified (default behavior).
218		+ **kwargs**:
219		keyword arguments passed to the underlying `matplotlib.pyplot.plot()` call.
221		### Returns
223		+ the return value(s) of the underlying `matplotlib.pyplot.plot()` call.
225		### Example
227		````py
228		from matplotlib import pyplot as ppl
229		from D47calib import huyghe_2022 as calib
231		fig = ppl.figure(figsize = (5,3))
232		ppl.subplots_adjust(bottom = .25, left = .15)
233		calib.invT_xaxis(Ti = [0,10,25])
234		calib.plot_data(label = True)
235		ppl.ylabel('$Δ_{47}$ (‰ I-CDES)')
236		ppl.legend()
237		ppl.savefig('example_plot_data.png', dpi = 100)
238		`````
240		This should result in something like this:
242		<img align="center" src="example_plot_data.png">
243		"""
244# 		if 'mec' not in kwargs:
245# 			kwargs['mec'] = self.color
246		if label is not False:
247			kwargs['label'] = self.label if label is True else label
248		return _ogls.InverseTPolynomial.plot_data(self, **kwargs)

Plot Δ47 value of each sample as a function of 1/T2.


  • label:
    • If label is a string, use this string as label for the underlyig matplotlib.pyplot.plot() call.
    • If label = True, use the caller's label attribute instead.
    • If label = False, no label is specified (default behavior).
  • kwargs: keyword arguments passed to the underlying matplotlib.pyplot.plot() call.


  • the return value(s) of the underlying matplotlib.pyplot.plot() call.


from matplotlib import pyplot as ppl
from D47calib import huyghe_2022 as calib

fig = ppl.figure(figsize = (5,3))
ppl.subplots_adjust(bottom = .25, left = .15)
calib.invT_xaxis(Ti = [0,10,25])
calib.plot_data(label = True)
ppl.ylabel('$Δ_{47}$ (‰ I-CDES)')
ppl.savefig('example_plot_data.png', dpi = 100)

This should result in something like this:

def plot_error_bars(self, **kwargs):
251	def plot_error_bars(self, **kwargs):
252		"""
253		Plot Δ47 error bars (±1.96 SE) of each sample as a function of 1/T<sup>2</sup>.
255		### Parameters
257		+ **kwargs**:
258		keyword arguments passed to the underlying `matplotlib.pyplot.errrobar()` call.
260		### Returns
262		+ the return value(s) of the underlying `matplotlib.pyplot.errorbar()` call.
264		### Example
266		````py
267		from matplotlib import pyplot as ppl
268		from D47calib import huyghe_2022 as calib
270		fig = ppl.figure(figsize = (5,3))
271		ppl.subplots_adjust(bottom = .25, left = .15)
272		calib.invT_xaxis(Ti = [0,10,25])
273		calib.plot_error_bars(alpha = .4)
274		calib.plot_data(label = True)
275		ppl.ylabel('$Δ_{47}$ (‰ I-CDES)')
276		ppl.legend()
277		ppl.savefig('example_plot_error_bars.png', dpi = 100)
278		`````
280		This should result in something like this:
282		<img align="center" src="example_plot_error_bars.png">
283		"""
284# 		if 'ecolor' not in kwargs:
285# 			kwargs['ecolor'] = self.color
286		return _ogls.InverseTPolynomial.plot_error_bars(self, **kwargs)

Plot Δ47 error bars (±1.96 SE) of each sample as a function of 1/T2.


  • kwargs: keyword arguments passed to the underlying matplotlib.pyplot.errrobar() call.


  • the return value(s) of the underlying matplotlib.pyplot.errorbar() call.


from matplotlib import pyplot as ppl
from D47calib import huyghe_2022 as calib

fig = ppl.figure(figsize = (5,3))
ppl.subplots_adjust(bottom = .25, left = .15)
calib.invT_xaxis(Ti = [0,10,25])
calib.plot_error_bars(alpha = .4)
calib.plot_data(label = True)
ppl.ylabel('$Δ_{47}$ (‰ I-CDES)')
ppl.savefig('example_plot_error_bars.png', dpi = 100)

This should result in something like this:

def plot_error_ellipses(self, **kwargs):
289	def plot_error_ellipses(self, **kwargs):
290		"""
291		Plot Δ47 error ellipses (95 % confidence) of each sample as a function of 1/T<sup>2</sup>.
293		### Parameters
295		+ **kwargs**:
296		keyword arguments passed to the underlying `matplotlib.patches.Ellipse()` call.
298		### Returns
300		+ the return value(s) of the underlying `matplotlib.patches.Ellipse()` call.
302		### Example
304		````py
305		from matplotlib import pyplot as ppl
306		from D47calib import huyghe_2022 as calib
308		fig = ppl.figure(figsize = (5,3))
309		ppl.subplots_adjust(bottom = .25, left = .15)
310		calib.invT_xaxis(Ti = [0,10,25])
311		calib.plot_error_ellipses(alpha = .4)
312		calib.plot_data(label = True)
313		ppl.ylabel('$Δ_{47}$ (‰ I-CDES)')
314		ppl.legend()
315		ppl.savefig('example_plot_error_ellipses.png', dpi = 100)
316		`````
318		This should result in something like this:
320		<img align="center" src="example_plot_error_ellipses.png">
321		"""
322# 		if 'ec' not in kwargs:
323# 			kwargs['ec'] = self.color
324		return _ogls.InverseTPolynomial.plot_error_ellipses(self, **kwargs)

Plot Δ47 error ellipses (95 % confidence) of each sample as a function of 1/T2.


  • kwargs: keyword arguments passed to the underlying matplotlib.patches.Ellipse() call.


  • the return value(s) of the underlying matplotlib.patches.Ellipse() call.


from matplotlib import pyplot as ppl
from D47calib import huyghe_2022 as calib

fig = ppl.figure(figsize = (5,3))
ppl.subplots_adjust(bottom = .25, left = .15)
calib.invT_xaxis(Ti = [0,10,25])
calib.plot_error_ellipses(alpha = .4)
calib.plot_data(label = True)
ppl.ylabel('$Δ_{47}$ (‰ I-CDES)')
ppl.savefig('example_plot_error_ellipses.png', dpi = 100)

This should result in something like this:

def plot_bff(self, label=False, **kwargs):
327	def plot_bff(self, label = False, **kwargs):
328		"""
329		Plot best-fit regression of Δ47 as a function of 1/T<sup>2</sup>.
331		### Parameters
333		+ **label**:
334		  + If `label` is a string, use this string as `label` for the underlyig
335		  `matplotlib.pyplot.plot()` call.
336		  + If `label = True`, use the caller's `label` attribute instead.
337		  + If `label = False`, no label is specified (default behavior).
338		+ **kwargs**:
339		keyword arguments passed to the underlying `matplotlib.pyplot.plot()` call.
341		### Returns
343		+ the return value(s) of the underlying `matplotlib.pyplot.plot()` call.
345		### Example
347		````py
348		from matplotlib import pyplot as ppl
349		from D47calib import huyghe_2022 as calib
351		fig = ppl.figure(figsize = (5,3))
352		ppl.subplots_adjust(bottom = .25, left = .15)
353		calib.invT_xaxis(Ti = [0,10,25])
354		calib.plot_bff(label = True, dashes = (8,2,2,2))
355		calib.plot_data()
356		ppl.ylabel('$Δ_{47}$ (‰ I-CDES)')
357		ppl.legend()
358		ppl.savefig('example_plot_bff.png', dpi = 100)
359		`````
361		This should result in something like this:
363		<img align="center" src="example_plot_bff.png">
364		"""
365# 		if 'color' not in kwargs:
366# 			kwargs['color'] = self.color
367		if label is not False:
368			kwargs['label'] = self.label if label is True else label
369		return _ogls.InverseTPolynomial.plot_bff(self, **kwargs)

Plot best-fit regression of Δ47 as a function of 1/T2.


  • label:
    • If label is a string, use this string as label for the underlyig matplotlib.pyplot.plot() call.
    • If label = True, use the caller's label attribute instead.
    • If label = False, no label is specified (default behavior).
  • kwargs: keyword arguments passed to the underlying matplotlib.pyplot.plot() call.


  • the return value(s) of the underlying matplotlib.pyplot.plot() call.


from matplotlib import pyplot as ppl
from D47calib import huyghe_2022 as calib

fig = ppl.figure(figsize = (5,3))
ppl.subplots_adjust(bottom = .25, left = .15)
calib.invT_xaxis(Ti = [0,10,25])
calib.plot_bff(label = True, dashes = (8,2,2,2))
ppl.ylabel('$Δ_{47}$ (‰ I-CDES)')
ppl.savefig('example_plot_bff.png', dpi = 100)

This should result in something like this:

def plot_bff_ci(self, **kwargs):
372	def plot_bff_ci(self, **kwargs):
373		"""
374		Plot 95 % confidence region for best-fit regression of Δ47 as a function of 1/T<sup>2</sup>.
376		### Parameters
378		+ **label**:
379		+ **kwargs**:
380		keyword arguments passed to the underlying `matplotlib.pyplot.fill_between()` call.
382		### Returns
384		+ the return value(s) of the underlying `matplotlib.pyplot.fill_between()` call.
386		### Example
388		````py
389		from matplotlib import pyplot as ppl
390		from D47calib import huyghe_2022 as calib
392		fig = ppl.figure(figsize = (5,3))
393		ppl.subplots_adjust(bottom = .25, left = .15)
394		calib.invT_xaxis(Ti = [0,10,25])
395		calib.plot_bff_ci(alpha = .15)
396		calib.plot_bff(label = True, dashes = (8,2,2,2))
397		calib.plot_data()
398		ppl.ylabel('$Δ_{47}$ (‰ I-CDES)')
399		ppl.legend()
400		ppl.savefig('example_plot_bff_ci.png', dpi = 100)
401		`````
403		This should result in something like this:
405		<img align="center" src="example_plot_bff_ci.png">
406		"""
407# 		if 'color' not in kwargs:
408# 			kwargs['color'] = self.color
409		return _ogls.InverseTPolynomial.plot_bff_ci(self, **kwargs)

Plot 95 % confidence region for best-fit regression of Δ47 as a function of 1/T2.


  • label:
  • kwargs: keyword arguments passed to the underlying matplotlib.pyplot.fill_between() call.


  • the return value(s) of the underlying matplotlib.pyplot.fill_between() call.


from matplotlib import pyplot as ppl
from D47calib import huyghe_2022 as calib

fig = ppl.figure(figsize = (5,3))
ppl.subplots_adjust(bottom = .25, left = .15)
calib.invT_xaxis(Ti = [0,10,25])
calib.plot_bff_ci(alpha = .15)
calib.plot_bff(label = True, dashes = (8,2,2,2))
ppl.ylabel('$Δ_{47}$ (‰ I-CDES)')
ppl.savefig('example_plot_bff_ci.png', dpi = 100)

This should result in something like this:

def T47( self, D47=None, sD47=None, T=None, sT=None, error_from='both', return_covar=False):
411	def T47(self,
412		D47 = None,
413		sD47 = None,
414		T=None,
415		sT = None,
416		error_from = 'both',
417		return_covar = False,
418		):
419		'''
420		When `D47` is input, computes corresponding T value(s).
421		`D47` input may be specified as a scalar, or as a 1-D array.
422		`T` output will then have the same type and size as `D47`.
424		When `T` is input, computes corresponding Δ47 value(s).
425		`T` input may be specified as a scalar, or as a 1-D array.
426		`D47` output will then have the same type and size as `T`.
428		Only one of either `D47` or `T` may be specified as input.
430		**Arguments:**		
432		* `D47`: Δ47 value(s) to convert into temperature (`float` or 1-D array)
433		* `sD47`: Δ47 uncertainties, which may be:
434		  - `None` (default)
435		  - `float` or `int` (uniform standard error on `D47`)
436		  - 1-D array (standard errors on `D47`)
437		  - 2-D array (covariance matrix for `D47`)
438		* `T`: T value(s) to convert into Δ47 (`float` or 1-D array), in degrees C
439		* `sT`: T uncertainties, which may be:
440		  - `None` (default)
441		  - `float` or `int` (uniform standard error on `T`)
442		  - 1-D array (standard errors on `T`)
443		  - 2-D array (variance-covariance matrix for `T`)
444		* `error_from`: if set to `'both'` (default), returned errors take into account
445		  input uncertainties (`sT` or `sD47`) as well as calibration uncertainties;
446		  if set to `'calib'`, only calibration uncertainties are accounted for;
447		  if set to `'sT'` or `'sD47'`, calibration uncertainties are ignored.
448		* `return_covar`: (False by default) whether to return the full covariance matrix
449		  for returned `T` or `D47` values, otherwise return standard errors for the returned
450		  `T` or `D47` values instead.
452		**Returns (with `D47` input):**
454		* `T`: temperature value(s) computed from `D47`
455		* `sT`: uncertainties on `T` value(s), whether as standard error(s) or covariance matrix
457		**Returns (with `T` input):**
459		* `D47`: Δ47 value(s) computed from `D47`
460		* `sD47`: uncertainties on `D47` value(s), whether as standard error(s) or covariance matrix
462		### Example
464		````py
465		import numpy as np
466		from matplotlib import pyplot as ppl
467		from D47calib import OGLS23 as calib
469		X = np.linspace(1473**-2, 270**-2)
470		D47, sD47 = calib.T47(T = X**-0.5 - 273.15)
472		fig = ppl.figure(figsize = (5,3))
473		ppl.subplots_adjust(bottom = .25, left = .15)
474		calib.invT_xaxis()
475		ppl.plot(X, 1000 * sD47, 'r-')
476		ppl.ylabel('Calibration SE on $Δ_{47}$ values (ppm)')
477		ppl.savefig('example_SE47.png', dpi = 100)
478		`````
480		This should result in something like this:
482		<img src="example_SE47.png">
483		'''
485		if D47 is None and T is None:
486			raise ValueError('Either D47 or T must be specified, but both are undefined.')
488		if D47 is not None and T is not None:
489			raise ValueError('Either D47 or T must be specified, but not both.')
491		if T is not None:
493			D47 = self._D47_from_T(T)
494			Np = len(self.degrees)
495			N = D47.size
497			### Compute covariance matrix of (*bfp, *T):
498			CM = _np.zeros((Np+N, Np+N))
500			if error_from in ['calib', 'both']:
501				CM[:Np, :Np] = self.bfp_CM[:,:]
503			if (sT is not None) and error_from in ['sT', 'both']:
504				_sT = _np.asarray(sT)
505				if _sT.ndim == 0:
506					for k in range(N):
507						CM[Np+k, Np+k] = _sT**2
508				elif _sT.ndim == 1:
509					for k in range(N):
510						CM[Np+k, Np+k] = _sT[k]**2
511				elif _sT.ndim == 2:
512					CM[-N:, -N:] = _sT[:,:]
514			### Compute Jacobian of D47(T) relative to (*bfp, *T):
515			_T = _np.asarray(T)
516			if _T.ndim == 0:
517				_T = _np.expand_dims(_T, 0)
518			J = _np.zeros((N, Np+N))
520			if (sT is not None) and error_from in ['sT', 'both']:
521				for k in range(N):
522					J[k, Np+k] = self._D47_from_T_deriv(_T[k])
524			if error_from in ['calib', 'both']:
526				for k in range(Np):
528					p1 = {_: self.bfp[_] for _ in self.bfp}
529					p1[f'a{self.degrees[k]}'] += 0.001 * self.bfp_CM[k,k]**.5
531					p2 = {_: self.bfp[_] for _ in self.bfp}
532					p2[f'a{self.degrees[k]}'] -= 0.001 * self.bfp_CM[k,k]**.5
534					J[:, k] = (self.model_fun(p1, (_T+273.15)**-1) - self.model_fun(p2, (_T+273.15)**-1)) / (0.002 * self.bfp_CM[k,k]**.5)
536			### Error propagation:
537			CM_D47 = J @ CM @ J.T
539			if return_covar:
540				return D47, CM_D47
541			else:
542				return D47, float(_np.diag(CM_D47)**.5) if D47.ndim == 0 else _np.diag(CM_D47)**.5
544		if D47 is not None:
546			T = self._T_from_D47(D47)
547			Np = len(self.degrees)
548			N = T.size
550			### Compute covariance matrix of (*bfp, *T):
551			CM = _np.zeros((Np+N, Np+N))
553			if error_from in ['calib', 'both']:
554				CM[:Np, :Np] = self.bfp_CM[:,:]
556			if (sD47 is not None) and error_from in ['sD47', 'both']:
557				_sD47 = _np.asarray(sD47)
558				if _sD47.ndim == 0:
559					for k in range(N):
560						CM[Np+k, Np+k] = _sD47**2
561				elif _sD47.ndim == 1:
562					for k in range(N):
563						CM[Np+k, Np+k] = _sD47[k]**2
564				elif _sD47.ndim == 2:
565					CM[-N:, -N:] = _sD47[:,:]
567			### Compute Jacobian of T(D47) relative to (*bfp, *D47):
568			_D47 = _np.asarray(D47)
569			if _D47.ndim == 0:
570				_D47 = _np.expand_dims(_D47, 0)
571			J = _np.zeros((N, Np+N))
572			if (sD47 is not None) and error_from in ['sD47', 'both']:
573				for k in range(N):
574					J[k, Np+k] = self._T_from_D47_deriv(_D47[k])
575			if error_from in ['calib', 'both']:
577				xi = _np.linspace(0,200**-1,1001)[1:]
578				for k in range(Np):
580					if self.bfp_CM[k,k]:
581						_epsilon_ = self.bfp_CM[k,k]**.5
582					else:
583						_epsilon_ = 1e-6
585					p1 = {_: self.bfp[_] for _ in self.bfp}
586					p1[f'a{self.degrees[k]}'] += 0.001 * _epsilon_
587					T_from_D47_p1 = _interp1d(self.model_fun(p1, xi), xi**-1 - 273.15)
589					p2 = {_: self.bfp[_] for _ in self.bfp}
590					p2[f'a{self.degrees[k]}'] -= 0.001 * _epsilon_
591					T_from_D47_p2 = _interp1d(self.model_fun(p2, xi), xi**-1 - 273.15)
593					J[:, k] = (T_from_D47_p1(_D47) - T_from_D47_p2(_D47)) / (0.002 * _epsilon_)
595			### Error propagation:
596			CM_T = J @ CM @ J.T
598			if return_covar:
599				return T, CM_T
600			else:
601				return T, float(_np.diag(CM_T)**.5) if T.ndim == 0 else _np.diag(CM_T)**.5

When D47 is input, computes corresponding T value(s). D47 input may be specified as a scalar, or as a 1-D array. T output will then have the same type and size as D47.

When T is input, computes corresponding Δ47 value(s). T input may be specified as a scalar, or as a 1-D array. D47 output will then have the same type and size as T.

Only one of either D47 or T may be specified as input.


  • D47: Δ47 value(s) to convert into temperature (float or 1-D array)
  • sD47: Δ47 uncertainties, which may be:
    • None (default)
    • float or int (uniform standard error on D47)
    • 1-D array (standard errors on D47)
    • 2-D array (covariance matrix for D47)
  • T: T value(s) to convert into Δ47 (float or 1-D array), in degrees C
  • sT: T uncertainties, which may be:
    • None (default)
    • float or int (uniform standard error on T)
    • 1-D array (standard errors on T)
    • 2-D array (variance-covariance matrix for T)
  • error_from: if set to 'both' (default), returned errors take into account input uncertainties (sT or sD47) as well as calibration uncertainties; if set to 'calib', only calibration uncertainties are accounted for; if set to 'sT' or 'sD47', calibration uncertainties are ignored.
  • return_covar: (False by default) whether to return the full covariance matrix for returned T or D47 values, otherwise return standard errors for the returned T or D47 values instead.

Returns (with D47 input):

  • T: temperature value(s) computed from D47
  • sT: uncertainties on T value(s), whether as standard error(s) or covariance matrix

Returns (with T input):

  • D47: Δ47 value(s) computed from D47
  • sD47: uncertainties on D47 value(s), whether as standard error(s) or covariance matrix


import numpy as np
from matplotlib import pyplot as ppl
from D47calib import OGLS23 as calib

X = np.linspace(1473**-2, 270**-2)
D47, sD47 = calib.T47(T = X**-0.5 - 273.15)

fig = ppl.figure(figsize = (5,3))
ppl.subplots_adjust(bottom = .25, left = .15)
ppl.plot(X, 1000 * sD47, 'r-')
ppl.ylabel('Calibration SE on $Δ_{47}$ values (ppm)')
ppl.savefig('example_SE47.png', dpi = 100)

This should result in something like this:

def plot_T47_errors( self, calibname=None, rD47=0.01, Nr=[2, 4, 8, 12, 20], Tmin=0, Tmax=120, colors=[(1, 0, 0), (1, 0.5, 0), (0.25, 0.75, 0), (0, 0.5, 1), (0.5, 0.5, 0.5)], yscale='lin'):
604	def plot_T47_errors(
605		self,
606		calibname = None,
607		rD47 = 0.010,
608		Nr = [2,4,8,12,20],
609		Tmin = 0,
610		Tmax = 120,
611		colors = [(1,0,0),(1,.5,0),(.25,.75,0),(0,.5,1),(0.5,0.5,0.5)],
612		yscale = 'lin',
613		):
614		"""
615		Plot SE of T reconstructed using the calibration as a function of T for various
616		combinations of analytical precision and number of analytical replicates.
618		**Arguments**		
620		+ **calibname**:
621		Which calibration name to display. By default, use `label` attribute.
622		+ **rD47**:
623		Analytical precision of a single analysis.
624		+ **Nr**:
625		A list of lines to plot, each corresponding to a given number of replicates.
626		+ **Tmin**:
627		Minimum T to plot.
628		+ **Tmax**:
629		Maximum T to plot.
630		+ **colors**:
631		A list of colors to distinguish the plotted lines.
632		+ **yscale**:
633		  + If `'lin'`, the Y axis uses a linear scale.
634		  + If `'log'`, the Y axis uses a logarithmic scale.
636		**Example**
638		````py
639		from matplotlib import pyplot as ppl
640		from D47calib import devils_laghetto_2023 as calib
642		fig = ppl.figure(figsize = (3.5,4))
643		ppl.subplots_adjust(bottom = .2, left = .15)
644		calib.plot_T47_errors(
645			calibname = 'Devils Laghetto calibration',
646			Nr = [1,2,4,16],
647			Tmin  =0,
648			Tmax = 40,
649			)
650		ppl.savefig('example_SE_T.png', dpi = 100)
651		````
653		This should result in something like this:
655		<img src="example_SE_T.png">
656		"""
658		if calibname is None:
659			calibname = self.label
661		Nr = _np.array(Nr)
662		if len(colors) < Nr.size:
663			print('WARNING: Too few colors to plot different numbers of replicates; generating new colors.')
664			from colorsys import hsv_to_rgb
665			hsv = [(x*1.0/Nr.size, 1, .9) for x in range(Nr.size)]
666			colors = [hsv_to_rgb(*x) for x in hsv]
668		Ti = _np.linspace(Tmin, Tmax)
669		D47i, _  = self.T47(T = Ti)
670		_, sT_calib = self.T47(D47 = D47i, error_from = 'calib')
672		ymax, ymin = 0, 1e6
673		for N,c in zip(Nr, colors):
674			_, sT = self.T47(D47 = D47i, sD47 = rD47 / N**.5, error_from = 'sD47')
675			_ppl.plot(Ti, sT, '-', color = c, label=f'SE for {N} replicate{"s" if N > 1 else ""}')
676			ymin = min(ymin, min(sT))
677			ymax = max(ymax, max(sT))
679		_ppl.plot(Ti, sT_calib, 'k--', label='SE from calibration')
681		_ppl.legend(fontsize=9)
682		_ppl.xlabel("T (°C)")
684		_ppl.ylabel("Standard error on reconstructed T (°C)")
686		# yticks([0,.5,1,1.5,2])
687		_ppl.title(f"{calibname},\nassuming external Δ$_{{47}}$ repeatability of {rD47:.3f} ‰", size = 9)
688		_ppl.grid( alpha = .25)
689		if yscale == 'lin':
690			_ppl.axis([Ti[0], Ti[-1], 0, ymax*1.05])
691			t1, t2 = self.T.min(), self.T.max()
692			_ppl.plot([t1, t2], [0, 0], 'k-', alpha = .25, lw = 8, solid_capstyle = 'butt', clip_on = False)
693			_ppl.text((t1+t2)/2, 0, 'range of observations\n', alpha = .4, size = 7, ha = 'center', va = 'bottom', style = 'italic')
694			_ppl.axis([None, None, None, _ppl.axis()[-1]*1.25])
695		elif yscale == 'log':
696			ymin /= 2
697			_ppl.axis([Ti[0], Ti[-1], ymin, ymax*1.05])
698			_ppl.yscale('log')
699			t1, t2 = self.T.min(), self.T.max()
700			_ppl.plot([t1, t2], [ymin, ymin], 'k-', alpha = .25, lw = 8, solid_capstyle = 'butt', clip_on = False)
701			_ppl.text((t1+t2)/2, ymin, 'range of observations\n', alpha = .4, size = 7, ha = 'center', va = 'bottom', style = 'italic')

Plot SE of T reconstructed using the calibration as a function of T for various combinations of analytical precision and number of analytical replicates.


  • calibname: Which calibration name to display. By default, use label attribute.
  • rD47: Analytical precision of a single analysis.
  • Nr: A list of lines to plot, each corresponding to a given number of replicates.
  • Tmin: Minimum T to plot.
  • Tmax: Maximum T to plot.
  • colors: A list of colors to distinguish the plotted lines.
  • yscale:
    • If 'lin', the Y axis uses a linear scale.
    • If 'log', the Y axis uses a logarithmic scale.


from matplotlib import pyplot as ppl
from D47calib import devils_laghetto_2023 as calib

fig = ppl.figure(figsize = (3.5,4))
ppl.subplots_adjust(bottom = .2, left = .15)
        calibname = 'Devils Laghetto calibration',
        Nr = [1,2,4,16],
        Tmin  =0,
        Tmax = 40,
ppl.savefig('example_SE_T.png', dpi = 100)

This should result in something like this:

def export_data( self, csvfile, sep=',', label=False, T_correl=False, D47_correl=False):
703	def export_data(self, csvfile, sep = ',', label = False, T_correl = False, D47_correl = False):
704		"""
705		Write calibration data to a csv file.
707		### Parameters
709		+ **csvfile**:
710		The filename to write data to.
711		+ **sep**:
712		The separator between CSV fields.
713		+ **label**:
714		  + If specified as `True`, include a `Dataset` column with the calibration's `label` attribute.
715		  + If specified as a `str`, include a `Dataset` column with that string.
716		  + If specified as `False`, do not include a `Dataset` column.
717		+ **T_correl**:
718		  + If `True`, include correlations between all `T` values.
719		+ **D47_correl**:
720		  + If `True`, include correlations between all `D47` values.
722		### Example
724		````py
725		D47calib.huyghe_2022.export_data(
726			csvfile = 'example_export_data.csv',
727			T_correl = True,
728			D47_correl = True,
729			)
730		````
732		This should result in something like this ([link](example_export_data.csv)):
734		.. include:: ../../docs/example_export_data.md
736		"""
737		n = len(str(self.N))
739		with open(csvfile, 'w') as f:
740			f.write(sep.join(['ID', 'Sample', 'T', 'SE_T', 'D47', 'SE_D47']))
742			if label:
743				f.write(f'{sep}Dataset')
745			if T_correl:
746				inv_diag_sT = _np.diag(_np.diag(self.sT)**-.5)
747				Tcorrel = inv_diag_sT @ self.sT @ inv_diag_sT
748				f.write(sep.join(['']+[f'Tcorrel_{k+1:0{n}d}' for k in range(self.N)]))
750			if D47_correl:
751				inv_diag_sD47 = _np.diag(_np.diag(self.sD47)**-.5)
752				D47correl = inv_diag_sD47 @ self.sD47 @ inv_diag_sD47
753				f.write(sep.join(['']+[f'D47correl_{k+1:0{n}d}' for k in range(self.N)]))
755			for k, (s, T, sT, D47, sD47) in enumerate(zip(
756				self.samples,
757				self.T,
758				_np.diag(self.sT)**.5,
759				self.D47,
760				_np.diag(self.sD47)**.5,
761				)):
762				f.write('\n' + sep.join([f'{k+1:0{n}d}', s, f'{T:.2f}', f'{sT:.2f}', f'{D47:.4f}', f'{sD47:.4f}']))
763				if label:
764					if label is True:
765						f.write(f'{sep}{self.label}')
766					else:
767						f.write(f'{sep}{label}')
768				if T_correl:
769					f.write(sep.join(['']+[
770						f'{Tcorrel[k,_]:.0f}'
771						if f'{Tcorrel[k,_]:.6f}'[-6:] == '000000'
772						else f'{Tcorrel[k,_]:.6f}'
773						for _ in range(self.N)]))
774				if D47_correl:
775					f.write(sep.join(['']+[
776						f'{D47correl[k,_]:.0f}'
777						if f'{D47correl[k,_]:.6f}'[-6:] == '000000'
778						else f'{D47correl[k,_]:.6f}'
779						for _ in range(self.N)]))

Write calibration data to a csv file.


  • csvfile: The filename to write data to.
  • sep: The separator between CSV fields.
  • label:
    • If specified as True, include a Dataset column with the calibration's label attribute.
    • If specified as a str, include a Dataset column with that string.
    • If specified as False, do not include a Dataset column.
  • T_correl:
    • If True, include correlations between all T values.
  • D47_correl:
    • If True, include correlations between all D47 values.


        csvfile = 'example_export_data.csv',
        T_correl = True,
        D47_correl = True,

This should result in something like this (link):

ID Sample T SE_T D47 SE_D47 D47correl_1 D47correl_2 D47correl_3 D47correl_4 D47correl_5 D47correl_6 D47correl_7
1 Ad -1.80 0.50 0.6893 0.0060 1 0.048049 0.028770 0.544016 0.093188 0.020880 0.471516
2 BDV-S 18.70 0.75 0.6121 0.0049 0.048049 1 0.650474 0.053281 0.011132 0.002494 0.050651
3 BDV-W 11.01 1.00 0.6349 0.0052 0.028770 0.650474 1 0.031903 0.006666 0.001494 0.030328
4 PY 13.44 0.06 0.6397 0.0049 0.544016 0.053281 0.031903 1 0.104392 0.023391 0.513257
5 TES-S 22.50 2.10 0.5972 0.0053 0.093188 0.011132 0.006666 0.104392 1 0.275629 0.100150
6 TES-W 12.23 1.00 0.6329 0.0102 0.020880 0.002494 0.001494 0.023391 0.275629 1 0.022440
7 TW 26.80 0.85 0.6001 0.0048 0.471516 0.050651 0.030328 0.513257 0.100150 0.022440 1
def export(self, name, filename):
782	def export(self, name, filename):
783		"""
784		Save `D47calib` object as an importable file.
786		### Parameters
788		+ **name**:
789		The name of the variable to export.
790		+ **filename**:
791		The filename to write to.
793		### Example
795		````py
796		D47calib.anderson_2021_lsce.export('foo', 'bar.py')
797		````
799		This should result in a `bar.py` file with the following contents:
801		````py
802		foo = D47calib(
803			samples = ['LGB-2', 'DVH-2'],
804			T = [7.9, 33.7],
805			D47 = [0.6485720997671647, 0.5695972909966959],
806			sT = [[0.04000000000000001, 0.0], [0.0, 0.04000000000000001]],
807			sD47 = [[8.72797097773764e-06, 2.951894073404263e-06], [2.9518940734042614e-06, 7.498611746762038e-06]],
808			description = 'Devils Hole & Laghetto Basso from Anderson et al. (2021), processed in I-CDES',
809			label = 'Slow-growing calcites from Anderson et al. (2021)',
810			color = (0, 0.5, 0),
811			degrees = [0, 2],
812			bfp = {'a0': 0.1583220210575451, 'a2': 38724.41371782721},
813			bfp_CM = [[0.00035908667755871876, -30.707016431538836], [-30.70701643153884, 2668091.396598919]],
814			chisq = 6.421311854486162e-27,
815			Nf = 0,
816			)
817		````
818		"""
819		with open(filename, 'w') as f:
820			f.write(f'''
821{name} = D47calib(
822	samples = {self.samples},
823	T = {list(self.T)},
824	D47 = {list(self.D47)},
825	sT = {[list(l) for l in self.sT]},
826	sD47 = {[list(l) for l in self.sD47]},
827	degrees = {self.degrees},
828	description = {repr(self.description)},
829	name = {repr(self.name)},
830	label = {repr(self.label)},
831	bfp = {self.bfp},
832	bfp_CM = {[list(l) for l in self.bfp_CM]},
833	chisq = {self.chisq},
834	cholesky_residuals = {list(self.cholesky_residuals)},
835	aic = {self.aic},
836	bic = {self.bic},
837	ks_pvalue = {self.ks_pvalue},
838	)

Save D47calib object as an importable file.


  • name: The name of the variable to export.
  • filename: The filename to write to.


D47calib.anderson_2021_lsce.export('foo', 'bar.py')

This should result in a bar.py file with the following contents:

foo = D47calib(
        samples = ['LGB-2', 'DVH-2'],
        T = [7.9, 33.7],
        D47 = [0.6485720997671647, 0.5695972909966959],
        sT = [[0.04000000000000001, 0.0], [0.0, 0.04000000000000001]],
        sD47 = [[8.72797097773764e-06, 2.951894073404263e-06], [2.9518940734042614e-06, 7.498611746762038e-06]],
        description = 'Devils Hole & Laghetto Basso from Anderson et al. (2021), processed in I-CDES',
        label = 'Slow-growing calcites from Anderson et al. (2021)',
        color = (0, 0.5, 0),
        degrees = [0, 2],
        bfp = {'a0': 0.1583220210575451, 'a2': 38724.41371782721},
        bfp_CM = [[0.00035908667755871876, -30.707016431538836], [-30.70701643153884, 2668091.396598919]],
        chisq = 6.421311854486162e-27,
        Nf = 0,
def combine_D47calibs(calibs, degrees=[0, 2], same_T=[], exclude_samples=[]):
841def combine_D47calibs(calibs, degrees = [0,2], same_T = [], exclude_samples = []):
842	'''
843	Combine data from several `D47calib` instances.
845	### Parameters
847	+ **calibs**:
848	A list of `D47calib` instances
849	+ **degrees**:
850	The polynomial degrees of the combined regression.
851	+ **same_T**:
852	Use this `list` to specify when samples from different calibrations are known/postulated
853	to have formed at the same temperature (e.g. `DVH-2` and `DHC2-8` from the `fiebig_2021`
854	and `anderson_2021_lsce` data sets). Each element of `same_T` is a `list` with the names
855	of two or more samples formed at the same temperature.
856	+ **exclude_samples**: Use this `list` to specify the names of samples to exclude from
857	the combined calibration.
859	For example, the `OGLS23` calibration is computed with:
861	`same_T = [['DVH-2', DHC-2-8'], ['ETH-1-1100-SAM', 'ETH-1-1100']]`
863	Note that when samples from different calibrations have the same name,
864	it is not necessary to explicitly list them in `same_T`.
866	Also note that the regression will fail if samples listed together in `same_T`
867	actually have different `T` values specified in the original calibrations.
869	### Example
871	The `devils_laghetto_2023` calibration is computed using the following code:
873	````py
874	K = [fiebig_2021.samples.index(_) for _ in ['LGB-2', 'DVH-2', 'DHC2-8']]
876	fiebig_temp = D47calib(
877		samples = [fiebig_2021.samples[_] for _ in K],
878		T = fiebig_2021.T[K],
879		D47 = fiebig_2021.D47[K],
880		sT = fiebig_2021.sT[K,:][:,K],
881		sD47 = fiebig_2021.sD47[K,:][:,K],
882		)
884	devils_laghetto_2023 = combine_D47calibs(
885		calibs = [anderson_2021_lsce, fiebig_temp],
886		degrees = [0,2],
887		same_T = [{'DVH-2', 'DHC2-8'}],
888		)
889	````
890	'''
892	samples = [s for c in calibs for s in c.samples]
893	T = [t for c in calibs for t in c.T]
894	D47 = [x for c in calibs for x in c.D47]
895	sD47 = _block_diag(*[c.sD47 for c in calibs])
896	sT = _block_diag(*[c.sT for c in calibs])
898	for i in range(len(samples)):
899		for j in range(len(samples)):
900			if i != j:
901				if (samples[i] == samples[j] or
902					any([samples[i] in _ and samples[j] in _ for _ in same_T])):
904					sT[i,j] = (sT[i,i] * sT[j,j])**.5
906	k = [_ for _, s in enumerate(samples) if s not in exclude_samples]
908	calib = D47calib(
909		samples = [samples[_] for _ in k],
910		T = [T[_] for _ in k],
911		D47 = [D47[_] for _ in k],
912		sT = sT[k,:][:,k],
913		sD47 = sD47[k,:][:,k],
914		degrees = degrees,
915		)
917	return calib

Combine data from several D47calib instances.


  • calibs: A list of D47calib instances
  • degrees: The polynomial degrees of the combined regression.
  • same_T: Use this list to specify when samples from different calibrations are known/postulated to have formed at the same temperature (e.g. DVH-2 and DHC2-8 from the fiebig_2021 and anderson_2021_lsce data sets). Each element of same_T is a list with the names of two or more samples formed at the same temperature.
  • exclude_samples: Use this list to specify the names of samples to exclude from the combined calibration.

For example, the OGLS23 calibration is computed with:

same_T = [['DVH-2', DHC-2-8'], ['ETH-1-1100-SAM', 'ETH-1-1100']]

Note that when samples from different calibrations have the same name, it is not necessary to explicitly list them in same_T.

Also note that the regression will fail if samples listed together in same_T actually have different T values specified in the original calibrations.


The devils_laghetto_2023 calibration is computed using the following code:

K = [fiebig_2021.samples.index(_) for _ in ['LGB-2', 'DVH-2', 'DHC2-8']]

fiebig_temp = D47calib(
        samples = [fiebig_2021.samples[_] for _ in K],
        T = fiebig_2021.T[K],
        D47 = fiebig_2021.D47[K],
        sT = fiebig_2021.sT[K,:][:,K],
        sD47 = fiebig_2021.sD47[K,:][:,K],

devils_laghetto_2023 = combine_D47calibs(
        calibs = [anderson_2021_lsce, fiebig_temp],
        degrees = [0,2],
        same_T = [{'DVH-2', 'DHC2-8'}],